TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Have you ever had a day where you can not think or talk properly, when you are doing something and you can not seem to word anything properly? I had one of those days and I am here to tell you about it.

I was with my boyfriend one day, we were hanging out together doing school work. This was during covid time so we were online. He was a senior and I was a sophomore, he was working on school to finish to get ready to graduate, whereas I was doing school work to continue my sophomore year. We were in the kitchen doing classwork, I had my french class and my boyfriend was working on whatever his class period was. On my french assignment I had a list of pictures  where I had to write the word in french and english, one of those pictures was a TV. I turned and asked my boyfriend “How do you spell TV?” he looked at me shocked. What I meant by TV was television, how to spell television but since I said TV he thought I was talking about the two letter word, T and V. He sat there looking at me for a few seconds before saying the two letters. We laughed because that is not what I meant, but I did not what I meant and asked how to spell TV. My boyfriend made fun of me for asking and every time I went to explain why I asked he laughed over me. Later that night when my mom came home my boyfriend was so excited to tell her this amazing story. I felt like an idiot as he told my mom the story laughing. It will definitely be a question I will never forget. And now I know to always think about the questions I am going to ask so no other confusion happens.

Featured image: “French bulldog” by br1dotcom is marked with CC BY 2.0.


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