TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Getting the Right Amount of Prep for College

Looking back we did not have a lot of college prep, yes we had career essentials that helped us decide what we wanted to do but that was during our freshman year, we were all so uninterested. As freshmen, we were more worried about keeping up with our new workload not even fully thinking about college just yet. This is illustrated by the class being super helpful but if it was given to us at a later time it would have been more appreciated. Schools and parents are our biggest supporters of us going to college. Parents have a lot to do with most of our prep work for college. As students, we may not always see the help parents do for us but every little push they give us is a push in the right direction.

Sadly, there are parents and some schools who are not as helpful as others. Which can hold kids back from wanting to go to college or have any other plans. This is what makes it amazing that schools have a well-rounded advising staff. I wish that every school took the time to check-in and give students advice and help them in the right direction. There is a huge number of students whose parents have never gone to a college which can put those kids at a pretty sizeable disadvantage. To fix this problem more schools should help their students get in the right direction by getting more involved in their decision-making process and taking the time to meet one on one. These small changes can mean the most when prepping for college.

college icon” by Backdoor Survival is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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