TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Human-free Driving?

Due to the evolution of technology we have come to a point where we have electronic cars and cars that can drive themselves. That is the age of driverless cars where we can allow ourselves the luxury of setting a destination and sitting back and relaxing without lifting a finger the whole ride. It is something that is costly but is becoming more popular each year with the new advancements in technology. Driverless technology is going to become the main form of travel over the next century. Technology is a beautiful thing but we must first make sure it safe for us to use before mass producing certain products.

The cars use a laser that emits an invisible light that bounces off of things to detect its surroundings meaning that it relies exclusively on this device to make the car work properly. This way the car can teach itself how to react to certain scenarios that it wouldn’t otherwise know how to respond to. The car also has features like smart accelerating and braking making the cars more fuel efficient. These cars I assume will revolutionize the way the humans travel but however there are still some concerns.

People with disabilities could greatly benefit from these driverless cars. Meaning driverless cars would be used more often by those with disabilities as they could input a location and get to where they need to go without the stress of traffic. We could help the planet and environment by using these cars as they would be much more efficient than human drivers. They could reduce the number of cars on the road helping the environment and reducing the amount of CO2 and these cars could eventually become entirely electric. These cars have a ton of potential to become one of the greatest inventions of the century if done right. You never know maybe its closer to the next step of flying cars it all depends on the development of technology.

There is however an concern about whether or not these cars can be hacked since they use the internet to map out its destinations. There is also the worry that these driverless cars could end up getting virus’s causing major damage to the vehicle. There should be precautionary measures put in place in case if something goes wrong, perhaps something like an high level anti-virus system created specifically for these cars. If there are no precautionary measures for these cars then the car could end up putting peoples lives in danger instead of keeping them safer. It is imperative that they have extreme counter measures so that nobody loses their life or limbs due to something faulty within the car

In order to get from point A to point B what needs to be done? It will take time because you do not want to rush the process otherwise it can create more complicated problems down the road. Since these cars are being made by technology I do not believe that there will be any real limitations as technology seems to just keep evolving. These cars will most likely evolve as long as technology does making it have unlimited potential. The potential of these cars is unlimited and I am ecstatic to see how they will preform in the future as our main form of transportation.

Driverless car technology” by Department for Transport (DfT) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 .


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