TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Ancient Knowledge (Commencement Speech)

Hello, my fellow graduates, congratulations on graduating high school! We survived the horrors of high school and a whole pandemic and now we get to leave this shithole and go out into the world! Now I will bestow the ancient knowledge that I have been given by some of the most intellectual creatures in the world with vast ancient knowledge that has been passed down through the generations. These creatures are apes. Caesar from the film Planet of the Apes blessed us with these beautiful words “Apes alone weak. Apes together strong.”. This quote tells us to stick with our friends and family which as social creatures is vital to our survival. This is shown in the movie when Caesar takes a stick and then snaps it in half showing and symbolizing apes being alone; he then puts the two halves together and can’t break them, showing that two people together are stronger than one person alone(Metaphor, and Imagery). I also was shown by Caesar that you should live for yourself and do what you want in your life and to live how you want to. Just like how Caesar was tired of living in a zoo in captivity and broke out and did what his heart desired you should too.(Comparison). Another lesson gifted to me by an ally of the great Caesar was “Ape not kill Ape ” This means that we should be kind and compassionate to each other and be loving to others. Not showing them hate and violence. Another greatest lesson I’ve ever been taught was by the smart most intellectual sigma male ape ever Curious George. This is simply to stay curious and to keep learning new skills and experiencing what life has to offer and to eat copious amounts of banana. The last gift I was given is from the late Harambe. This is to help others who are weaker or need help because you never know what someone is going through and sometimes they just need a little bit of help to turn their lives around for the better even if there are consequences. Those are all the ancient knowledge that my feeble human brain was gifted by the beautiful apes Caesar and Curious George.

Baby monkey” by @Doug88888 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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