TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Senior Year

I still can’t believe how far we’ve all come and we’re getting close to graduating.  It feels like last week I came back, rejoined this class and explained to Olivia that I go by Robbie and not Robbie-Mike anymore. Don’t get me wrong I was explaining that to Olivia last week, the only difference of course being that it might have been the last time.  Being a senior for me is a lot like daydreaming about summer vacation, you always talk about it and come up with all of these plans and now that we’re here we don’t know what to do.  That might not be everyone but that’s definitely where I’m at.  Sure I have a plan after highschool but that’s just one step.  What about after college?  What about a job?  What about my friends and all of the memories we’ve made together?  How do we just move forward with all we know and what’s more scary, how do we move forward with all that we don’t know.  For some it feels like the beginning of our lives, the start, the first chance to actually prove ourselves to the world. For me, it’s a conclusion, an ending, a final time to say all the things I never got to say and do all of the things I never got to do with my classmates.  Of course this is not the end for some of us though, some of our paths will more than likely cross in the future, this is just me feeling remanisiant.  To be fair I have known most of you since primary school and you all have become like my family since.  To go back in time a little we were at the end of our 4th grade year and I had just found out that I wasn’t coming back to Carrie Ricker, before I could tell many of my friends I had gotten really sick and didn’t go to school for the rest of that year,that was the first time I left my class,but I didn’t get to say goodbye.  Fast forward 6 painful and judgmental years of  school and I’m coming back, excited but terrified.  What if nobody remembers me,I’ve already missed out on so many memories. How am I expected to connect with my class again after so long?  But I walked into Oak Hill and immediately all of my friends started to talk to me as if no time had passed at all.  You might be excited about life outside of these walls and ready to start new or you might be like me,terrified and frightened about starting “real life”.  J.K. Rowling said, “It is impossible to live without failing at something.  Unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all-in which case, you fail by default.” (J.K. Rowling).  We are all going to have trials that we go through in life but don’t let that stop you from actually living, don’t let others dictate how you want to live, and don’t be afraid to go after what you want out of life.  Here soon I am going to graduate and leave this class for a second, at least now I actually get to say goodbye.



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