TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Past 4 Years

Hello everyone, I’d like to start off by congratulating the graduating class of 2022!  Let’s face it, the last 4 years have been pretty wild, we have had so many obstacles in our way and somehow we’ve managed to get to this point. I remember the first day of high school walking in those doors and having no idea what these next 4 years would entail. High school didn’t get off to a good start when I walked into my first day of points class and realized gym would never be the same, we went from playing with a parachute to seeing how many burpees we could do until we threw up (Shout out Mr. Wright). I quickly began to realize that the upperclassmen weren’t as scary as I thought, there was no hazing or anything like that. Overall freshman year was pretty normal. It flew by for me mainly because I made new friends and life long memories. On the last day of freshman year I was feeling pretty good about what the next year of high school would entail but boy was I wrong.

The first day of Sophomore year was way better than the first day of freshman year. I knew who my friends were and who everyone else was, so there was no nerves there unlike the year prior. The first day of Sophomore year was going well until the last period of the day, when Geometry happened. About half way into the class when the teacher was going through what we were learning in class throughout the year I quickly began to realize I had a better chance of winning the powerball than passing the class.(Juxtaposition) It also didn’t help that I had my two closest friends Caden and Jackson sitting right next to me. We spent more time fooling around than getting anything done in class. Let’s face it boys, nothing has changed. Then the next day I was introduced to Mr. Boucher I immediately thought “man this is going to be a fun class”, who knew you could go a week without eating and still function? Overall, the first semester of sophomore year went pretty well. I barely squeezed by and passed geometry despite all odds. Then COVID happened. On March 18th 2020 Governor Mills recommended that all schools closed indefinitely. I quickly discovered what google meets and zoom was, whoever knew those were even a thing? Eventually the CDC decided to shut down school for the rest of the year and cancel spring sports. This meant one thing: a whole lot of video games. School wise the teachers passed pretty much everyone so there wasn’t really any work to do, hence the reason why I passed geometry.

Then finally junior year happened. After what felt like an eternity off from school we were back for year 3, Well… Kinda, half of us were one day and the other half the next. There was no social aspect to school at this point because of all the guidelines which sucked because it was like a year since we’ve seen each other. When we were home for half the week each Zoom call felt like watching two snails race (Simile), very long and boring. I finally got so bored of zoom calls I just started playing video games during them, so I’d like to apologize to the teachers. School at this point was if you put somewhat of an effort in you would pass. When baseball season came around it was a sigh of relief for me because finally something normal was happening. We ended up having one of the best seasons that our school has seen in a long time. When school was finally over for the year it hit me that I was going to be a senior now.

Finally the first day of senior year came. Although we were still wearing masks for the start of it we were at least back to school with everyone. There were some kids I hadn’t seen for a year and half so it was shocking to see how much they have changed. Fast forward to now, the past 4 years have been crazy and that’s an understatement to say the least. Each story I have told has one common factor in them, adversity. We have faced a lot of adversity the last 4 years and yet we’re still here. We should remember what we have been through these past 4 years and use it to our advantage in life. If we have learned one thing these past 4 years it’s when life throws you a curveball you hit it out of the park. (Metaphor)

Queen Anne” by jcurtis4082 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.Copy text


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