TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Why High School Sucks

Hi everybody, my name is Elise Worth and today I am going to be telling you why my High School experience sucked. Now I know that may sound depressing and not really what you want to hear, but I think that it’s important to understand all aspects of the high school experience before you leave it.  

Freshman year: My first introduction into the public school system, now I know that not everybody has had this experience. But let me tell you, it was terrible. I had to get up early, and go to school for 6 hours. Then go to sports and clubs for another 2 hours. It is a miracle I do not like coffee because if that won’t start a caffeine addiction I don’t know what will. Anyway, this is what I learned; 1)School food is probably going to make you sick, but it’s OK to eat it anyway 2) The fish bowl is cool, but what’s the point? 3) Sports jerseys will still smell like sweat no matter how many times you wash them 4) My brother will probably always be better than me 5) I actually hate getting up early. 

Sophomore Year: Less sucky I could say. I was more used to the dynamics of school, with friends, sports, clubs, gossip and the overwhelmingness of work in school as well as homework. Terrible. Anyway, some things I learned Sophomore year are; 1) stay away from your older brother’s friends 2) Advanced Placement classes are not worth it 3) Your cumulative Grade Point Average unfortunately matters. 4) Your brother dating one of your best friends is weird 5) I don’t like the color pink anymore. 

Junior Year: Online School, it was great. I went to school with like 2 of my friends because luckily my last name starts with a W. Great. On top of that, I decided that it would be a great idea to take 3 AP classes. Don’t ever do that, ever. I had high hopes for my success. Those were squashed real quick. I had the idea that with all my free time, I would actually study. I was sorely mistaken. Instead I decided to work 5 days a week at a DayCare and drive up to Waterville 3 times a week to pay a stupid amount of money to play soccer, which ended well. Obviously. Anyway, here’s what I learned: 1) Having your brother be your only classmate is terrible. 2) Masks are not a fashion statement. 3) I miss my friends 4) 7 year olds can be mean. 5) I miss Sophomore year. 

Senior Year: Damn. I still can’t drive. Also not being able to play soccer sucks. At least I can walk. OK not right now but at the beginning I could. Also I would have been really good this year, but it’s fine, cause I was a good varsity coach. OK, so senior year is not that bad, except for the fact that I have a lot of Homework to do, as well as working 6 days a week at Fielder’s and at a boring office job. Here’s what I learned: 1) Working your life away is not fun. 2) Applying for College is not easy. 3) Walking was nice 4) Membean is one of the worst inventions to ever grace the planet with its presence. 5) I’m leaving the best 4 year of my life in 13 days. My friends, teachers, coaches, peers, and school. In 3 days I will no longer be a student fretting over the deadlines of English papers, math projects, and Accounting tests. Crazy. After 126.7 hours of membean, 57 soccer games, 33 credits, 5 AP tests, 4 playoff games, 3 flooded hallways, 2 working bathroom stalls, 1 high school. 

Was it worth it? All the trials and tribulations, the whims and woes. Well, here’s what I’ve learned: 1) I have yet to get sick from school food, 2) I went in the fishbowl about 5 times but it was pretty cool, 3) I miss the smell of my sports jersey, 4) I am better than my brother 5) I still hate getting up early but I have gotten used to it, 6) Staying away from your brother’s best friends was a good idea, 7) dual enrollment classes are the way to go 8) A 3.78 GPA is pretty good 9) Your brother breaking up with one of your best friends is also weird 10) The color green is much better than pink 11) I miss being homeschooled 12) Masks are in fact a fashion statement 13) I got my friends back 14) Ice cream is better then snotty kids 15) Life is moving too fast. 16) Family and friends are more important than working 17) I got into college 18) Walking would still be nice 19) I only have 30 minutes of membean left 20) I’m gonna miss you guys. The laughs, tears, sarcasm, jokes and little moments that mean the world. Good luck my friends, you will do amazing things. And remember whatever you do, don’t forget all the sucky things about high school, cause once it’s gone all you’re going to miss are the best moments of your lives.    

Sucks” by The Daring Librarian is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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