TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Commencement Speech

Hello Class of 2022, we finally made it. These past 4 years have been a living hell… for some of us. We’ve worked so hard to be where we are right now. All 4900 minutes of membean have paid off. There’s a truth that we all have to face, and that is that everything must come to an end. I’ve been waiting for this day for 4 years, but it makes me sad to know that this is the last time I will be here with all of you. Time is like a thief. We’ve all grown up together and now we’re all going our separate ways. If I’m being honest I’ve been dreading this day. However, this is the start of something new. A moment’s genuine worth is never fully realized, until it’s a memory. I never realized how much I’d miss everything until it was all over. 

The best advice I’ve ever received was that you cannot change a person who doesn’t see an issue in their actions. Don’t let people walk all over you. Know your worth. I know that I’ve had issues in the past with that, and let’s be honest I still do. Let go of the people who make you feel small. Don’t be friends with someone who doesn’t want to or try to make an effort to be your friend. If people aren’t listening to you, stop talking to them.  The friends that I started high school with are no longer my friends. It’s not that anything bad happened. We just outgrew each other. Sometimes that happens. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing, think of it as a chance for change, a chance to grow as a person. If something is bothering you, say something. Don’t hold back from what you want to say. 

I’d say that my hardest year of high school was sophomore year. I was going through a roller coaster of emotions. With the pandemic and everything else going on in my life…. It was a hard year. The first half of the year was alright but around January was when everything went downhill. I wasn’t doing my schoolwork anymore and I never went to school. Moral of this story is don’t procrastinate and just do your school work. Or you’ll be stuck doing sophomore geometry your senior year. 

Basically, high school sucked. Just kidding, kind of. It was overall a good experience, but there are some things that sucked that I’ll never forget about. I’ll always remember the teachers who helped me through everything and the friends that stuck by my side, and even the ones that didn’t. Let go of the silly drama, it won’t matter in the future. Let people know that you love them. Get involved and have school spirit. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Be yourself. And this is by far the best advice I could ever give you and I could say it a million times if you needed me too, do not worry about the boys. They will not stay no matter how much you think they will. Take time to focus on school and your friends and family. Take everything in, because as people have said these are the best years of our lives.

Takahata highschool 10” by f_a_r_e_w_e_l_l is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.Copy text


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