TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Live Laugh Love

Good afternoon class of 2022,

I would first like to congratulate all of you for getting through these 4 years. I know you all put so much work into getting to this point. Today, I will be delivering a very cliche speech about how I personally got through high school, and I believe that it can also be used throughout your lives. My advice to all of you is to live, laugh, love.

Live. It’s not enough to just exist, so make your presence known. Take risks, take a chance, do something without knowing the outcome. Make yourself a little uncomfortable and challenge the things you know. And be present in the moment. Instead of merely going through the motions, make an effort to pause and take in the moment. In the midst of all the business of life, make sure to pause and breathe. Take it all in, the place you’re in, the people you’re with, the memory you’re in the process of making. Live life on purpose and make the most of the time you have.

Laugh. (That wasn’t a command to laugh, but it’s okay if you did). I am a firm believer that laughter truly is the best medicine. Having a bad day? Laugh until your belly hurts and tears come out of your eyes, and I guarantee you will feel better. Laughter won’t erase any of your problems or change your circumstances. It won’t make life any less difficult or heal what’s been broken. So then, what will laughter do? Laughter will give you the hiccups and make you choke on your water. You were supposed to laugh at that, but anyways, the point is that laughter makes you feel better. It brightens your mood even if it’s just for a moment. We can all use a little more laughter in our lives.

Love. And when I say love, I’m talking about the verb. Love others through your actions. Find those people you are going to put before yourself. And go out of your way to show them you love them. Help them with a chore, ask how their day went and listen to their response, or give them a hug just because. Love the people who are in your life and those who aren’t. Give people the benefit of the doubt and don’t let hatred become your default setting. Let your actions, your efforts, your love, speak louder than your words. Never, ever, take for granted those who have shown you love, and try with all your might to return the favor.

Yes, I am well aware that live, laugh, love, is an orthodox message. However, I do believe that there is a reason this theme is so overused; it’s because it’s true. I can tell you that so far, I feel it has helped me through so much. There will always be trials and tribulations in life, but if you can learn to live, laugh, love through it all, I can assure you that your life will be abundant. Live, laugh love, may be a hobby lobby sign, but put it into action and it is so much more. So, I’m here to challenge you, no matter what your future may hold. Live abundantly, laugh hard, and love well. Thank you.

Live – Laugh – Love” by Wesley Fryer is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.Copy text


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