TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Just Enough

High school, a time to remember, the friends, the teachers, and the times where you have surprised yourself. High school has had a lot of fun times and I have had some personally, but there are definitely times where I regret and I probably will always think, what if? In high school I have learned a lot about math equations and the cold war in 1947, but not just that I have learned a lot about myself and from freshman year to now, all of us have changed enough.

Something that I regret is not pushing myself to the full extent. I was always good with being ‘just enough’ not really trying to  exceed. Math is not my strong suit, I do not like math, it’s hard and when it’s taught to me, it’s like the teacher is speaking to me in a foreign language, like Swahili or Japanese. I regret that I did not go for the fours. I regret not spending time after school or in study halls learning more. The three was ‘just enough’ for me. I did not try as much as I should have. Not even just for math, but for all of my classes that I took throughout high school. I should have tried harder. When you have the mindset of being ‘just enough’ I did not apply myself as much as you should. In the future your ‘just enough’ might not be enough for the job that you are doing. Pushing myself would have changed my experience in high school and possibly made so I had more confidence in my work. Being ‘just enough’ shouldn’t be your mindset, because being ‘just enough’ will not show your true potential. 

Something else that I regret is not joining more groups, making myself known as something more than someone who plays sports. The only group I joined was FBLA and that helped me out a lot with community service, helped me become more comfortable and helped me to be confident in being able to talk to people that I don’t know. I might have been able to learn more things if I joined different groups of people rather than excluding myself because FBLA and sports was ‘just enough’ to me. Joining more would have opened up more opportunities to explore other interests. Like maybe being able to find out what I wanted to do in college, or make it so I can push myself more.

My ‘just enough’ attitude has helped me out in some ways. I played soccer and I made varsity freshman year, and with that I did a little more than ‘just enough’. I had done some outside things to help me reach that goal.. I regret being ‘just enough’ in school, but being able to see all my accomplishments outside of school has not only made me proud of myself but also proud that I went out of my comfort zone with being ‘just enough’. Because of that, I ended up joining an out of school soccer team, and I played with strangers every weekend. My ‘just enough’ attitude in school hasn’t affected me out of school at all, and I am not bringing that attitude with me in the future because I realized my friends, teachers, family and everyone who has impacted my life deserve more than that ‘just enough’ attitude.

Something that I want to say to everyone is that being ‘just enough’ isn’t always the right way to go. Being able to be proud of what you have accomplished and to see all the work that you do to reach your goals will bring you inner satisfaction. You will feel so accomplished with yourself and what you did to get there, the feeling is like you are on top of the world.  No one can teach you how to be more than enough, you will have to do that yourself, and I believe that if you really want to you will

I look forward to seeing all your accomplishments in the future, and how much you are going to push yourself, and be your  ‘more than enough’ selves .

Look out! Potential!!” by M0les is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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