Rgoulet24’s avatar features a sun on the horizon at night, hovering over an ocean view. The sun is yellow and has 6 rays splaying outwards into the sky, although the sky is not at all light. The ocean sits just under it, a calm light blue with no waves.
When creating her avatar, Rgoulet24 chose her favorite things – Summer and Nighttime – and chose symbols to represent them. Nighttime is, of course, represented by the night sky that is displayed. Night time is her favorite time of day because, in her words, “It’s the most peaceful!” Summer is represented by the beach and by the sun. When asked why she chose these things to represent summer, Rgoulet24 said “…I like to go to the ocean, and the sun represents the warmth of the summer season!” She followed through on that when asked what she liked to do during the summer, saying that she “…loves to swim, as well as taking walks.”
My favorite part about Rgoulette24’s avatar is the ocean. The light blue contrasts heavily against the dark black and the bold yellow, which helps represent its calmness. Especially considering there are no waves, it just sits there steadily under the rising (or falling?) sun. This matches the calmness that Rgoulet24 says she enjoys about the night time.
Our Processes were very similar, in that we both chose things we liked for our avatars. However, they differ as I chose to represent mine more symbolically whereas hers was a bit more literal- although not in a bad way! Sometimes more simple things are more enjoyable, which stands true with Rgoulet24’s avatar.
“annular solar eclipse” by kubotake is licensed under CC BY 2.0.