My partner is Cfournier23 she is a senior at Oakhill high school and a varsity field hockey Captain. Cfournier23’s avatar is very unique, I will start by saying her flag is a basic square. In the middle of her square flag, there is a rainbow or horseshoe-type object. This is a small object it does not cover from end to end it is just specifically in the middle. The horseshoe is facing downward like normal and in the loop of the horseshoe, there is a tiny full sun. Across the flag starting from the left corner and going up to the end at the right corner there is a road type drawing, this road type drawing breaks the flag into two equal diagonal parts. Those two halves that were equally made were then colored in. The top left half is colored in yellow and the right lower half is colored in green. Something that really grabbed my attention in Cfourniers flag was her road-type object cutting off the flag in two parts, I thought this was cool because then she got to color in those two parts it made.
Cfournier had many different symbols in her flag, the first symbol I will be talking about is the color green she used. I asked her what this symbolized and she said, “The field for field hockey.” Then I asked her why she chose this symbol and she said, “the grass is green.” The next symbol Cfournier23 used in her flag was a little sun. I asked her why did she use this symbol and she said, “Canaan obviously, my boyfriend.” And then I asked her why she chose this symbol to represent Canaan and she said, “because of my sunvisor.” The next symbol Cfournier23 put into her flag was a horseshoe. I asked her why she used this symbol and she said, “my camp.” Then I asked her why she chose this symbol and she said, “We have a horseshoe on the door.” The next symbol Cfournier23 put into her flag was the color yellow. I asked her why she used this symbol and she said, “dogs, tennis balls, my dog loves tennis balls.” Then I asked her why she chose to use this symbol and she said, “because they use tennis balls.” The next and final symbol Cfournier23 put into her flag was a road-type figure. I asked her why she used this symbol and she said, “Listening to music when I drive.” Then I asked her why she chose this symbol to represent music and she said, “Listening to music I do that on the road.”

Cfournier23 and I built our avatars in many different ways, I think the biggest one was how obvious our symbols are to what they actually meant. For example, mine was pretty easy to find out because they made sense. A dog paw meaning dog makes a lot of sense and a sun meaning warmth makes a lot of sense as well. Cfournier23 did not have to ask me what these meant she just guessed correctly when she first saw them. But Cfournier23 symbols were not as obvious, a horseshoe meaning a camp I couldn’t guess that, and the color yellow meaning a tennis ball. She used more mysterious and vague symbols when she was creating her flag.
In conclusion, Cfournier23s avatar tells me a lot about her life. She loves field hockey and her family, and it also shows me she loves the warmer seasons because she can go out and play with her dogs and go swimming at her camp. Cfournier23 and I both have similar lives but are different in so many ways. I very much enjoyed interviewing Cfournier23 and viewing her avatar for TheUtmostTrouble.
Featured image; “Trinity-Tufts Field Hockey Game 311-5×7” by Paul-W is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.