Pguay23’s avatar is a representation of her liking for nature, astrology, and her passion for piano. Her avatar is a flag with multiple elements. These include piano notes, piano scripts, dice, and the color green. One part of pguay23’s avatar that caught my attention was her affinity for nature which was represented by the green inside the dice on the top and bottom of the flag spread out. This stood out to me because it was one of the very few things that were colored in and had some sort of hue to it.
Pguay23’s process behind her avatar/flag was her inspiration and liking for piano, nature, and the game DND. She had put a lot of effort into thinking about what she would incorporate and put into her flag-making decision. When she figured out what she would like to incorporate she then went ahead and added the piano notes, the piano script and lining, some dnd dice, and the color green. I asked pguay23 “ why is piano so important to you and what do you like it so much”? That’s when she responded, “ it’s just an easy instrument to play and it sounds nice”.
As the interview went on I continued asking her about what the elements/symbols meant on her flag. And the next thing that caught my attention was the dice because it’s not very common for flags or people in my generation to like. Therefore I asked, “What do the dice represent”? After I asked this she said in response “ DND (Dungeons and Dragons), it’s a game I like to play”.
My avatar has far less complexity than pguay23’s avatar. I noticed that mine was far more simple and less thoughtful. In my flag, I had one main theme which was the summer and the sun while hers had to do with multiple things such as piano and piano elements, dice, and one color rather than multiple colors like mine had. Another difference is that pguay23 had dotted lines throughout the middle of her flag representing the script of a piano and her background was white to go along with that theme. I found that out because she had said “it’s meant to look like piano sheet lyrics”.
Featured Image: “Piano” by me5otron is licensed under CC BY 2.0.