TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Summer, but make it Akingsman Edition

All About Akingsman23

I can never get a good look at Akingsman23 because they sit behind me. Instead of roughly describing them I will describe their avatar. Stating the obvious here, when looking at Akingsman23’s avatar; the dead center is an orange and yellow sun, surrounded by bright red watermelons.  The watermelons are placed in a circular motion around the sun which is pleasing to the eye. Akingsman23 and I aren’t the closest so I feel like if I stare at them to describe their looks and possibly personality it could turn into a really awkward encounter but if I look behind me Akingsman23 is locked in and focused on their work. 

In Akingsman23’s avatar, the object that caught my eye was the red watermelon placed around the sun. Just how the watermelon is placed around the sun stuck out to me. Seven total watermelons in their avatar, and I know it’s watermelon because of the seeds. When I ask Akingsman; why’d you choose watermelon from all the fruits? Akingsman said that they, “have a hard time keeping track of water intake and watermelon helps with that” Isn’t that so cool? Akingsman found a way to eat her favorite fruit and stay hydrated.

Of course, watermelons aren’t the only thing in Akingsmans avatar. They also displayed a bright yellow-orange sun with red and orange rays coming out from it. The sun sits in the center of the avatar and compliments well with the watermelons. The colors bring a warm summery feeling. Akingsman “likes being where the sun is” and lucky for them the sun is mostly 12 hours of a day. But Akingsman has a different side to them, they said “the sun represents radiating happy energy” but when I asked why they chose to put red and orange into their avatar, Akingsmans response was; “red is something that stands out to my eye, plus it reminds me of anger and I relate to that.” So even though Akingsman enjoys summer and how much it radiates positive energy, they are still angry. Reasoning; unknown. 

What is really cool about Akingsman and I is that we both have the sun in our avatar. My avatar displays half the sun and it’s only yellow, while Akingsman uses the whole sun and all the colors that correlate to the sun. We both used the sun because we like being where it is sunny but the difference is Akingsman incorporated red because it reminds them of anger. I have no red in my avatar. In the end, I really enjoyed how they used the sun to represent radiating energy but also used the color red to represent anger. I think it provides deeper meaning to the avatar than we think.

Featured Imagine: “watermelon final resized” by Philippe Put is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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