TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Love for Music and Art: Introducing EHooper

My partner Ehooper23 drew an avatar that shows a pencil finishing the last line of staff lines. Staff lines are the 5 lines you see on written sheet music. The 2 Things that mainly grab my attention are obviously the staff lines and Pencil drawing the last one.

I asked Ehooper23 for the meaning of the symbols. She told me that the lines symbolize music and that the Pencil symbolizes art. Ehooper23 and I had a similar process where We both involved our hobbies in music, except her second part, was About art, whereas mine was about money (spending and working for it).

I asked Ehooper23 what she plays for music. She said, “I Play the clarinet in the school band.” Then I asked how long she’s Been playing and if she plays outside of school. She responded with: “I’ve been in the band for about 7 years” and “I only play at school”

After asking about music I asked about the pencil. She had already told me the meaning of it, her love for art. I asked what she does for art if it was exclusive to drawing. She told me: “I like to paint a lot, like on canvas.”

C scale notation over musical staff” by Horia Varlan is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Avatar by Ehooper23


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