TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Blooming Into MPinard’s Avatar

MPinard has 4 unique aspects that make her, her. Starting with the way she communicates with a couple members of her family along with friends. With access to mobile phones, MPs still like to use letters to send to those few. She likes stuffed animals. A popular producer she likes is build-a-bear. A company where you choose your animal, the stuffing amount, and maybe a touch-activated voice box for you or a friend. MPinard also likes flowers. She chooses her flower and pot of choice and arrangers them to her liking all throughout her room. MP also enjoys music. Her mode of choice is through spotify. Which she demonstrates in her avatar via spotify code, “That’s how you scan and find and share music.” MP’s avatar is an open envelope with the letter next to it. The letter contains all the other emblems of her personality. Including a spotify code for the music, the build-a-bear for her love of stuffed animals, and a flower and pot for her hobby of collecting flowers to decorate her room.

There are 2 elements of MPinard23’s avatar that grab my attention. While I love the organization of her avatar all together, I like the use of her envelope. While it may seem simple, she could have just put the envelope, or just the letter, and left it open to the viewer’s imagination. But having the envelope open and the letter outside really paints the picture that pairs well with her explanation of the use of the letters (writing to family and friends). I did not know that about MP, and it’s very cool and interesting to me. The second aspect would be the flowers. I am also a fan of plants. While I don’t collect them, a well placed flower or plant makes a room look good. 

MPinard23 uses spotify to listen to her music. Which she demonstrates in her avatar via spotify code, “That’s how you scan and find and share music.” MP writes to her “Friends and family.” So what came to mind when she wanted it in her avatar, was an envelope and a letter. The letter contains the rest of her avatar’s aspects. The build-a-bear represents stuffed animals. MP has some and she likes them a lot. This was what she came up with to represent it. Build-a-bear is a large company, even those who don’t have stuffed animals are likely familiar with them. It’s easy for everyone to understand. MP drew a flower pot and flower on the bottom corner of her letter. She has a lot in her room that she places in a way to “arrange the flowers and pots to my liking.”

There was one main similarity between me and MPinard23’s avatars. Our interest in music. However our thought and creation process differs. Her representation was a spotify code, used to scan music. I went right for my favorite artist. I took pieces from my favorite album covers from my favorite artist, and included it into my avatar. We also had very different aspects. This has to do with us being different people with different interests. Our only matchups is music has a big role in both of our lives. My avatar is full of color, and covers all the rooms we have. While MP may have not had time to color, or chose not to, hers is black and white. Her avatar does not take up the entire square.

flower” by kissmuch is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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