TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Mountain Man: CSaucier23

Csaucier23 is a very outgoing teenager. He loves playing sports such as soccer, basketball, and skiing, and also enjoys hanging out with his friends. He thoroughly enjoys the outdoors and is a food lover at heart. Most importantly he is a very family oriented and person and often spends his free time with them. 

When Csaucier23 began to create his avatar he thought about many symbols that incorporate the most important aspects of his life. He chose a cloud to represent Florida, because he loves the “warm weather and the clouds” there. He also chose a 4-wheeler to symbolize his love for the mountains, which is where he goes 4-wheeling. He explained how 4-wheeling is something that is “soothing” for him and how he gets to “take in the scenery”. The 4-wheeler also represents the outdoors in general, not just the mountains. Some of his favorite aspects of life involve the outdoors so this symbol is only fitting to represent that. 

Csaucier23’s Avatar is simple but different from any other ones I have seen. There is a small green hill at the bottom of the avatar with a red 4-wheeler sitting at the top of the hill. The rest of the square is filled in with a sky blue color, and one medium sized, white cloud in the top left corner. The 4-wheeler is the part that stands out the most to me because it is almost like the vocal point. The color and the positioning of the 4-wheeler allows it to stand out. 

When creating my avatar I really stuck to the rule of simplicity. Csaucier23 also stuck to that theme but not as much as I did. His 4-wheeler is a little more complex than my symbols. Our avatars also differ in the way they are set up. Csaucier23’s avatar is like a scene. The clouds, the hill, the 4-wheeler all represent the outdoors. Csaucier23 states how his avatar is “simple, yet it holds lots of meaning behind it.” My avatar does not set a scene like he does. Mine is just my symbols with no whole picture in mind, rather just symbols and a solid color background.

Borestone Mountain, Maine” by cloud2013 is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Avatar by CSaucier23


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