TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The First Day

I had been working all day, and it was nearing the end of my shift. Reasonably I was ecstatic; it was the day after Christmas and I had plans once I got out. I had been talking to this guy for almost a month, there were neutral connections and even went to the same school at one point but had never managed to meet in person, until this day. I looked at the clock, only a couple of minutes had passed, and the excitement had made work feel never-ending.

When my shift finally ended I said my goodbyes before rushing out to my car. I quickly drove home to shower and change, trying on my whole closet before finally settling on a pair of ripped blue jeans and a nice shirt. Driving to his house, my heart was in my throat. When I got to the driveway I took a deep breath before sending him a message saying I was there. He opened the door with an awkward smile, showed me where to park, and we went up to his room. The first twenty minutes or so were awkward, but we watched movies and talked, by the time within an hour I felt like I’d known him my whole life. We made things official and I couldn’t stop smiling.

It was coming close to my curfew so I had decided I had to leave, he walked me down the stairs to his driveway. This driveway was very skinny and long, when I’d first arrived he instructed me to pull next to his mother’s car.

Some background information to keep in mind is I had just gotten my license and car three months prior. My car had been giving me loads of issues, the alternator had been broken, and it took me breaking down in Topsham for the car place to finally fix it, but it had been fixed for a week or two at this time. So I was very protective of my car.

After we’d said our final goodbyes I got in my car and tried to leave, but since it was winter snow was built up around the porch so I was having trouble getting out. He offered to get me out of the driveway, which was sweet so I let him. He was the first person besides me to drive my car. His older brother had wanted to hang out with him after I left I’d heard a noise and looked to see his older brother’s car and when I looked back it was too late, all I heard was a loud crack. My jaw dropped. When he realized what he had done he got out and continuously apologized, tears forming in his eyes. His brother ran over and asked if everyone was okay. My car’s mirror was hanging off the side and his mom’s back had a dent; he’d hit his mom’s car.

He would not stop apologizing, he looked like he was going to cry. Although I wanted to cry, I focused on comforting him because he looked like he was going to cry. I gave him a hug before leaving, telling him it was okay. As I was driving away his older brother yelled “Please call him back! “. I went home and told my mom I’d hit his porch because I didn’t want my Mom to know he did it. The next day I drove to a junkyard and got a new mirror, and it looked good as new. Our one year is coming up and he still hasn’t lived this down. As long as we’re together he will never live it down, and to think if one of us would’ve thought to go get his mom’s car keys to move her car first this could’ve been prevented.

October came with snow” by randihausken is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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