TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Introducing Mgallagher23

Mgallagher23 is a quiet and loving young man. He likes to do drama and play video and board games. Mgallagher23 also likes to go shopping with his friends – it’s his favorite part of the week. Whenever you see Mgallagher23, you always see him dancing or singing or even laughing with his friends. Mgallagher23 is one of a kind but in a good way because without him, his friends would never laugh. 

When Mgallagher23 was creating his avatar he thought of many different ideas but none of them seem to be the right ones except for his last design the greatest creation ever. This creation has a white sword in the middle of the flag with a green background with purple spots spread across the green. In the top left corner and the bottom right corner, there are two ninety-degree angled triangles that are pink “I don’t know why I put the pink, I think it was for love like I’m pretty sure it is for love so that’s what I’m going with”. When making this design he incorporated his favorite game, color, and teenage mutant ninja turtle. He also added a little bit of pink for love. Green is his favorite color, and Splatoon is his favorite game which uses green ink but the ink wasn’t a good color “The green is the most puke green they could come up with” as Mgallagher23 put it, so the spots he did were purple. His favorite Teenage mutant ninja turtle is Leonardo “He’s my favorite because he’s the oldest and because he has a sword” so he put his sword on there. Then lastly pink represent the love he has for his friends and all the hobbies he does. 

When looking at his design what caught my attention most was the sword and the purple spots. I wanted to know why he put those there and what did they represent. Mgallagher23 wanted people to look at his avatar and go wow that’s different, which is good because different is good. After looking at all of these avatars people are creating, his creativity and patience really made it special. The whole thing just looked like it went together pretty perfectly. When people look at his design they would probably go “Well that’s kind of weird looking” but the way he put everything together, including all the stuff he loves I think it looks pretty cool. 

When creating my avatar I wanted to make it look the best, make it look neat, and have everything that makes me, me. When Mgallagher23 was creating his, he did the same thing except in a different more creative way. He didn’t make his avatar look like it was scrunched together and you couldn’t tell what it was, he took his time and place everything into the perfect spots for his items. Mine and his processes were similar but you could tell who took their time to really think about what they wanted on their avatar and where. Creating these avatars was hard but easy at the same time because we got to pick what we wanted to put on it, but actually putting them together on a little square there are so many options and different ways to put the thing you want on it. Mgallagher23 did well and I’m impressed with how it was done.

Good job Mgallagher23 your avatar was impressive and well-executed. 

Baby turtles Lankayan Island” by arjandijksma is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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