TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Times When it Was Hard

When I was younger there was a time when me and my dad, mom, and my sister when to a winter festival on Christmas Eve. On our way back it was very dark outside you couldn’t see much and it was snowing ever so slightly so it was even harder to see out in front of you. My mom was driving down our road and we came to a field a deer had jumped out in front of our car we tried to slow down but with the snow on road and the deer jumping out so close to the car it was hard to slow down in time. The deer had hit the front right side of our car because it was so hard to see with the snow in front of the windshield. My mom brought the car to a stop right after we had hit the deer.

My dad and mom had gotten out of the car to see if it was alive or dead, the deer was dead it had looked like its neck and back legs had been broken when it hit the car. My dad and mom got back in the car and drove up the road a little ways it wasn’t far from our house. When we got home my mom called the police talking about the instance and so they came and my uncle had also came because he was a meat cutter and did hunting so he helped them cut up the deer and everything so they could send it to families that needed food. After that was all dealt with the police came to my house and were asking my dad and mom about stuff and ran background checks on bought of them in his police car when he had come out he had found something that he needed to take my dad in for. My dad had forgotten to pay a bill of some sorts he was a very forgetful man or that’s how I saw it as I was growing up, it could have been child support, a car payment or something else. How would I know? I was so young at the time I didn’t know what all of this really meant. by the end of it he only had to go to jail for a month or so but all of this happened right before Christmas morning.

It was the first time we had Christmas without my dad but after that it became the norm to not have chrism’s with him anymore if there was one thing that I would have regretted after these years would probably be that I don’t think I spent enough time with him or did enough or even helped him out when he needed something I just wish that i would have been there more for him then and didn’t push him away as he got worse and fell deeper into a hole he couldn’t get out on his own. This is the story of my regrets and how I wished I wouldn’t have given up on all those years ago if I hadn’t just stopped talking to my dad that was getting older and I knew that he was that perhaps I may still have a relationship with my dad. I could have sat there and spent more time with him to get to know him and keep him up out of that hole he was stuck in, I could have done so many thing to help him with his problems but in the end I guess it inst just me. He would have to help himself at some point down the line.

My Car Stuck in Snow” by rustybrick is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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