TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Introducing ARidlon23

ARidlon23’s avatar really caught my eye and surprised me. Even though it was simple it had a lot of meaningful symbols including a baseball, a piece of bacon, a door, and a marshmallow on a stick. These stood out to me because I never knew much about ARidlon so this definitely caught my attention. I can’t really describe ARidlon very well as we are not close, but I can describe him with these symbols in his avatar. Although, what I have seen from him in class is that he is very quiet, smart, and hard-working, especially when it comes to sports. 

In ARidlon’s avatar, one object that caught my eye was baseball simply because I didn’t know they played any sports until I had asked them a few questions like if they play any other sports and they said “yes, I play basketball”. I also play softball and used to play basketball so I can relate to ARidlon in this sense. Another thing that stood out to me when looking at his avatar was the marshmallow on the stick, ARidlon said “I love to go camping with my family and that is what the marshmallow on the stick represents.” 

ARidlon’s avatar made an “X” through the middle of the paper from corner to corner and was cut into four sections. In the first section was a white baseball which symbolized their favorite sport, in the second section to the right was a piece of bacon representing one of their favorite foods, and the bottom section was a door into their home to their family, and in the last section to the far left was a marshmallow on a stick and that symbolized going camping with their family. 

I feel as though my avatar is mainly about family and friends theirs is more about them and their favorite things and two out of four of their symbols were about their family and things they enjoy doing with them. I also noticed that my avatar is a lot more simple than ARidlons’s because theirs has a lot more symbols than mine does and theirs is more complex and harder to understand. The last thing I noticed between my avatar and theirs was that I did things more important to me in the long run rather than what is more important to me right now which I really liked about theirs. 

Baseballs” by mistycabal is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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