TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Better Look at QB1, An Introduction of Cscott23

Sitting next to Cscott23 every other day in the third period has brought me to understand who they are as a person quite well. From the first day, he showed who he truly was and was going to be throughout the year. Cscott is a person who you want to be around and who makes class fun to be in. He spends his time playing football and working at fielder’s choice, with his free time he always hanging out with friends or on some type of fun adventure with them.

When Cscott started his avatar he knew he wanted to include dogs and fall, those being his favorite animal and season. He also somehow wanted to fit in the color purple and blue which are his favorite. I was a little shocked when I saw the collar with the two tags because we never talked about animals or him having animals even with the two months of sitting next to each other, but with his personality, he seems like the type of person to love animals so that didn’t shock me too much. As he started his avatar he had his mind on one drawing and that’s what he stuck with. I think the final piece from Cscott represents him quite well and includes everything he wanted. 

In Cscott’s avatar there is a dog collar as the centerpiece to represent dogs, those being his favorite animal. When you think of Cscott you know that he is a dog person just from his personality, this part of his avatar represents who he is. He put it as the centerpiece because it’s what he wanted people to notice most, and it’s the only animal he has for a pet. This ties perfectly into why he put two dog tags that resemble his two dogs, Bo and Hig. I think this represents Cscott perfectly. The blue is for one of his favorite colors which is a perfect way to include it because it’s also on a collar for a dog which is his favorite animal. 

The leaf in Cscott’s avatar represents fall which is his favorite season, “also when football season is so that’s why” he says. It’s also why the leaf is orange since orange is what reminds him of the fall. It makes sense from an outsider’s point of view why fall would be Cscotts favorite season because of football and since he is Oak Hills’ starting quarterback, or as his friends call him QB1. I believe this fits Cscott and helps represent him because he has such a passion and love for the sport and for the season. Knowing Cscott for the amount of time I have and watching him play football all fall you can see the love he has for the sport, he’s a leader on and off the field and wants the best for his team. He takes it seriously but also goes out there and has fun. 

In the background of Cscott’s avatar is the color purple. Asking about why Cscott picked purple for the background he tells me “I just think it’s pretty”, which is understandable because it is a very pretty color. He wanted to somehow include all his favorite colors and make it still look nice which he executed perfectly. It’s easy on the eyes and not too much to look at. C didn’t speak much on this portation of the avatar except that it was his favorite color. 

Talking with C about avatars it felt like he knew right away what he wanted to do and didn’t struggle at all. With mine, I redrew what I wanted to do and thought about it for a while because I didn’t know what to do but with C he got right to it as he does with all his schoolwork. I think everything he put down follows the rules of what to do and makes it easy to understand him as a person. You can make an assumption that the dog collar with two tags is for him loving dogs and having two of them, the leaf represents fall and the color orange adds to that thought of fall, with purple in the background it helps us think of that being his favorite color because he has a whole pallet of colors to choose from and he chose purple.

Football Field Panoramic (HDR)” by joebiologyuni is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Avatar by Cscott23


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