TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Kyoung’s avatar

Kyoung’s avatar represents her favorite hobbies and memories. Her avatar includes fire, a sun, a 

musical note, and the color blue. The fire represents her relationship with her dad because they used to have fires together. The sun represents enjoying nature and being out in the sun, “I like to enjoy being outside.” (Kyoung). The musical note represents Kyoung’s enjoyment of listening to music. The background of the avatar is colored blue. The color blue represents friendship because friendship is important to Kyoung. 

When I saw Kyoung’s avatar it grabbed my attention because I could tell that it’s unique to what she enjoys. To be more specific, the fire symbol intrigued me because I didn’t know what it symbolized at first. I also thought that putting blue in the background was a creative way to symbolize friendship, “The blue background represents friendship.” (Kyoung). Then adding the sun was a good idea because yellow is a bright color that can make the avatar look more appealing.

When Kyoung was creating her avatar, she implemented things that were important to her. All of her symbols represented a memory or hobby. The fire symbol represents an important memory that Kyoung had when she was younger. The sun represents a hobby because she enjoys being outside. The musical note represents another hobby because she enjoys listening to music, “I like to listen to music.” (Kyoung). Then when Kyoung colored the background, she used the color blue because it symbolizes friendship. Kyoung did that because friendship is important to her.

My process of creating my avatar was really similar to Kyoungs process. We both created symbols that were important to us. Like Kyoung’s avatar, I also had symbols to represent my favorite hobbies. Kyoung’s favorite hobbies are being outside and listening to music, my favorite hobbies are playing baseball and going camping. The only difference between our avatars is that she implemented a favorite memory and I didn’t.

Nature” by TONY – M is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


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