My story is actually gonna be about myself. I could think of many other situations of people I know that have made mistakes and learned from it, but from my personal opinion I feel as If the accident I had helped me grow a lot and learn a little. My mistake happened at about 10 o’clock at night, I was driving home from my girlfriend’s house. I want to say it was because I was tired or dozed off or something, but I was starting to drift off the road a bit. I barely went off the road and pull my car right back on the road relatively fast. The problem is the that inside of my front and back right rims banged up against the pavement to hard and caused my rims to get dented a bit which cause my tires to start to lose air. I had to have my dad come fill up my tires with air a bit just to get me home where we could then take the wheels off and fix it.

I will admit that at first, I didn’t want to admit that I had drifted off the road a bit and that’s what cause the dent in the rims but eventually the truth did come out. I told the whole story or at least tried to and explained how it happened. Talking everything from the noise I heard when it happened to when I first started to see my air in my tired start to go down. I was relatively surprised with my parents’ response as they weren’t too upset with me more so glad it was only the bent rims and nothing more broken on the car.
I would say from all this that my lesson learned would definitely have to be that sometimes telling the truth can help not only the people around you but also you. After I told my parents the story and such it’s almost like the weight of the whole thing was lifted off me. Also seeing how my parents didn’t get too upset with me or what I did also felt a lot better than trying to just cover it all up. I would also say that for anyone else depending on the situation it’s still probably best if you tell the truth because it can also make some situations better because the respect you will get for being honest. My parents are usually calm and even thought I don’t fully know how they were feeling I do they were probably tired considering how late it was when it happened but I can also assume they were also upset not necessarily for when I did but that they have to spend money to fix my car and while it’s being fixed find ways to get me around like to school and such. I also want to mention that on the way home I mentioned to my parents “it sounds and feels like the steering or something is also messed up” They replied by saying “maybe you did more damaged than just the rims.” thankfully this wasn’t the case but it still added a little more tension to the situation.
In conclusion, I feel like my whole accident had taught me a very good lesson mostly about telling the truth but also to be more careful when driven no matter what time of day it is or such. I feel as this also taught me that being honest to people can have a lot better of a outcome than trying to act like you don’t know what happened. I also just had a friend recently pop two of his tired and we all assumed that it was from running into a curb because that’s what it looks like but he wouldn’t admit that was the case. Whether that is or isn’t the case I told him “like with my situation that whether you did or not that it’s best to just tell the truth in this situation and that it makes things a lot easier even if you don’t want to admit it.” I think this made him at least think about it more but I’m still not sure if he ever did admit it.
“Flat Tire Drama on the 403” by The Bees is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
“Blue Headlights” by ToastyKen is licensed under CC BY 2.0.