TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Music and Ball

Featured Image “There Are 108 Stitches in a Baseball” by B Tal is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

My partner was Evattaso, his avatar was split into 3 parts the lines were its sectioned off with base ball stitching that’s red. The middle was all white with a genie lamp that was the color yellow in the middle of the flag. There’s a blue shoelace that’s in the shape of a horse shoe that goes through both sections. the outer sections of the flag are black.

Evattaso, used the colors red, black, and blue. And used Baseball stitching, shoe laces, and a genie lamp as physical characteristics. red represents base ball because Evattaso has done it his whole life. “It gives me something to do competitively and I like to play at new places.” Black represents piano keys. He played piano from a young age. “It just gives me more knowledge with music in general.” shoe laces represent shoes because hes a shoe guy. “How they have there own meaning and style.” I asked him why he picked the Aladdin movie and what he liked most about it. “When he learns to not be so selfish with his wishes.” I thought there might have been more to him playing the piano from such a young age but I guess it was to just give him a better understanding of music as a whole.

Evattaso had a lot of different meanings in his Avatar. He had 6 different symbols in his Avatar that can be a lot to take in and comprehend when you don’t know what things mean in his avatar. Evattaso had red that symbolized a base ball because he plays base ball. Black which symbolized piano keys because he’s played piano from a young age. Blue symbolized a shoe lace because its the school color that he goes to. Base ball stitching symbolizing base ball again because he really likes the sport and hes played it his whole life. Shoes laces just symbolize shoes because hes a big shoe guy. The very last thing is a genie lamp that’s located in the very middle, it symbolizes his favorite movie Aladdin. As someone who has never seen or talked to him before they wouldn’t know what these symbols meant to him but his having a lot to it makes people look at it and try to understand it even more.

The interview ended after talking about our Avatars. Mine was very simple there was only 3 dots different colors and 3 stripes with different colors while his was complex and a lot going on there was red, black, blue, baseball stitching, a shoe lace, and a genie lamp. I had a couple guess when I looked at his Avatar about what some of it all meant because I know him a little bit and I know what he does for sports and hobbies. After sitting down and talking with him I got a much more deeper and meaning full perspective of his avatar.


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