TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Problem is an Opportunity

When faced with a problem there is often a feeling to run away from the problem rather than face it. People when faced with this dilemma, more often than not choose to run away from their problems rather than face them. However, It is better to face the problem head-on and try to fix it rather than run and hide from it, when running from problems you often run away from your chances to try your best and prove yourself.

Every day people are faced with problems. Whether it be a simple “Oh I forgot my coffee!” to “I’ve locked myself out of my car!” nobody is perfect and there will always be a problem you face in your life. I often face problems in my line of work. Being a young plumber and still learning I often face tasks and new challenges that don’t always go to plan. Often I am faced with the dilemma “Do I call someone and see if they can help me? Or can I figure this out on my own?” On my first few days on the job I had been working with my foreman, but one day he was out for the day as he had to bring his daughter to college. I was given a huge list of small projects I needed to complete all by myself for the day! That was a big deal for me, I had to do a lot of stuff all by myself! It was then I knew I was facing a problem. I could have not shown up that day, and avoided working by myself to avoid the challenge. But I persevered and got all the projects done and started some more we planned to do the next day. When my foreman got back the next day he was so impressed with me and what I had accomplished. Thanks to that day I proved myself and my abilities at work, and now I often get to do jobs on my own.

Past problems that were solved paved the way to make the world the way it is today. One such problem was had in the 1700s when American colonists were tired of the unfair rule of the British. When the colonists were faced with unfair tax laws and forced to house British troops in their homes, rather than hiding in their homes and kneeling to the unfair rule colonists banded together and took the fight to the British crown never backing down. No, matter the job lawyer or farmer colonists banded together to learn to fight. The colonists proved they would fight for their freedom which in the end led to the fateful day in 1776 were the colonists declared their independence after a 7-year-long war. Another big example of past problems influencing our society today was the civil rights movement. When African Americans faced radical racial segregation and prejudice rather than kneel to the unfair laws and practices people banded together. Boycotts and marches were raised to promote the idea of equality. Rounding up support across the nation, African Americans proved to the unfair state governments that those laws in place wouldn’t stop them from their equal rights. Without the colonist’s or African Americans’ bravery and willpower to stand up to their problems and set out to change and fix them our world as a whole would have been drastically different than the way it is today.

“Every problem is an opportunity in disguise.” This is a quote from John Adams the second president of the United States. Everything about this quote rings true, with problems comes the opportunity to prove yourself to yourself or others. So next time when faced with a problem think about it. Rather than give into the urge to run and hide and avoid it, why not try and set out to change it?

Featured Image; “The Never Ending Math Problem” by ddluong_ is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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