TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Patience is not my thing

I am a person who has no patience or at least little to none. While I’m at school it’s different because if I yell at people or express my impatience, I will get in trouble. But besides that, I have no patience. I think it’s great that many people have patience, at this point, it really is not for me. There have been many situations where I didn’t have patience with people and what actions they were doing at the time. There have been many moments where later on I felt embarrassed for what I had done.

I have yelled about a lot of things. I put together a desk that should have taken 2 hours but took me a week, and if I just would have kept my patience I probably would have been able to finish it in 2 hours. I didn’t build it alone, either. I built it with my best friend because it was really her desk that she got for Christmas. It really tested our friendship because we both are not the best at having patience. If we would have read the instructions fully we probably would have been done a lot sooner, but we were just too lazy for that.

I hate it when people don’t have patience with me, but I don’t have patience for them. One of my pet peeves actually is people not having patience, so technically I am a pet peeve for myself. When people don’t have patience with me I feel so upset and I just kind of shut down. There have been many situations where people lose patience with me; especially at the racetrack. There, my family always yells at me saying I’m in the way. I don’t mean to and I know they don’t mean to be mean, but they just lose patience. One time after my brother had to come into the pits because there was something wrong with the car, I didn’t know which way to go so they yelled at me to get out of the way so they can fix it.

Driving on the road is when my lack of patience really comes out. I will never want to change that about me, getting mad on the roads because I feel like I drive better mad, I don’t act dumb. Since I got my license I feel like my patience really got worse. Before yes, I had no patience but now I really have none; when driving on the road mostly after work I want to pull the hair out of my head because I get frustrated and then lose patience. I get angry or upset about little things that people do; going under the speed limit, getting too close to you while driving, or pedestrians walking right in front of you without looking first so you have to slam on your brakes. Patience is a great quality to have but there are just some people that don’t have that and have to fight the urge to yell at someone that did something questionable on the road. Road rage is a real thing and I know lots of people that deal with it and I never thought I would be this bad.

In conclusion, I’m trying to be better with having no patience because means that I may be hurting people’s feelings because I yell at them when I lose my patience. I definitely feel bad when I lose my patience whether I’m on the road, at school, at home, or even at work. Patience is something that not many people have and those who have it are really nice and can act normal when in a situation that is stressful or hard to get past. I have even lost my patience with my family that was doing something that I just wanted to get it over and done with, but they were taking too long. Patience is a great characteristic, I don’t have it but I know many people that do have it. I will always keep trying to be better at having patience but it doesn’t always go the way I want it to.

Lulu learns patience..” by WasabiDoobie is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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