TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Who made the mess?

Whenever I was younger and coming back from school I would always find a mess and I always thought it was my dog that was making the mess but it wasn’t. I didn’t mind that I had to clean it up except when it kept happening day after day, after a while, I would get so frustrated. I kept yelling at my dog who was just laying on the couch looking cute because chocolate labs are the cutest, saying she was bad and that she was in trouble until one day I saw the culprit in action playing with the trash. All I have to say after that is it’s okay to be wrong about which animal did it.

I always wanted to know the reason for my dog making the mess. After so long of me reprimanding my dog so many times I figured she would stop. I even put the trash up on the counter when I left for school sometimes and it was still happening. So after this kept happening I kept thinking it was my parents’ fault so I would leave the mess for them to clean up but that didn’t work because they would just get mad that I didn’t clean it up. So I confronted them and they told me it wasn’t them, so I had to change up the plan a little. Little did I know my plan wouldn’t work but I did find out who it was at the end of the day.

Well this has been read up to this point and this is where I tell who did it, or should I say what did it. After weeks of trying to figure it out, I finally did. I was a little surprised but it was the only other reason for it happening it just never occurred to me that my cats would be the ones that would make the mess because they’re so cute and cuddly and also sleep all day every day. After I found out they did it, I yelled at them even though it probably did nothing. The only reason why I know they did it was because I was walking into a room and I happened to look and there they are just sitting there playing with the trash which let me tell you was gross.

After yelling at my dog for so long I knew I had to make it up to her so I gave her like ten treats that day and told her I’m sorry but at the end of the day make sure you reprimand the right person or animals before you yell at them because it might make you feel terrible if you get it wrong. I still feel bad about this bad but my cats haven’t gotten in the trash since so I guess that’s good also. To be completely honest I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was my dog and cat tag teaming the trash just because they knew it got on my nerves.

After weeks and a lot of aggravation, I finally figured out who the culprit was, and that’s what matters. Even though it wasn’t my dog or my parents like I thought it, the third time was a charm trying to figure out who it was. I have to say I was surprised because of the outcome but I guess I shouldn’t been because their cats and can be a little frustrating once in a while. Just remember when reprimanding someone make sure it’s them and not someone else because even though you think it’s your parents or your dog, it can always be the cat’s fault.

Trash” by Damian Gadal is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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