TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Long Wait

There was a time long ago, when I was about 8, that I had to wait for my mom to pick me up from my school and she was late to picking me up. It was the beginning of the school year and I had to wait for a very long time in elementery school. I got out of school at 3 o’clock in the afternoon and I went outside to look for my mom, but I couldn’t find her car–it was an old red Honda. So I went back inside and waited about 10 minutes in the office, playing with my hands and swinging my legs under the chair. Then I went back out to see if she was there and she wasn’t.

So, I came back into the school again and I played some board games with some of the other kids that were there while I waited for my mom to come to the school. We played Candyland–you draw cards and each card has different colored squares on it and certain colored squares do different things like you go back a couple places or forwards a couple more places and when you reach the end you win. About 30 minutes had passed and it was 3:40 PM, the last kid there that was with me had left so there I sat all alone by myself waiting for my mom to pick me up. It was very boring.

Another 20 minutes had passed, so I went to the office for them to call my mom to see were she was, but when they called there was no-one that picked the phone up so I just sat there in the main office for my mom to come in and get me. It got to be around 4:30 PM and she finally was there to get me. I asked her what took her so long and she said “I was working and lost track of time.” That’s the longest I’ve ever waited for her to come get me and as a little kid in elementary school, it was tough waiting that long but that’s what I did till my mom picked me up. I was upset with her, but as a 8 year old I just brushed it off as no big deal but now that I’m older I see that it was wrong of my mom back then being that late to get me from school as an 8 year old, but all I really had to do was be patient in the end.

Featured Image; “24-01-10 Empty Chair” by Î’ethan is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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