TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

One of The Many Times I Have Hurt Myself

This all starts in the good ol’ year of 2008. I was around 2-3 years old at the time. Little me liked getting into trouble and was very accident-prone—things like knocking over objects on the coffee table or throwing my tiny play chair wherever I felt like. Now think about how a 2-3-year-old acts; Crazy, Uncontrollable, and a harbinger of chaos, Me? I enjoyed all of those things, but most of all, Climbing. Climbing was my favorite thing to do. Anything I could get my baby legs onto was fair game. Couches, beds, coffee tables, you name it! Now, what do children that age also enjoy doing once they have successfully climbed onto something? Jump. Whether it be jumping because they’re happy they were able to get onto it or because they are upset about something. There is always some reason for them to start jumping up and down.

This is where the fun part occurs. One day, little me decided to get on top of mommy’s bed because he wanted to watch TV. Now the only way for me to get up to that bed was to climb onto a nightstand and then hop up on the bed. Now, you may be thinking, “What does the title have to do with anything, this story sounds like you had fun climbing as a kid.” Well… what if I told you that nightstand was glass? Many times I had climbed up onto the nightstand to get on top of the bed and nothing bad happened. However, this time, the universe decided it was time for my usual routine to go horribly wrong. As I climbed up onto the nightstand, I pushed myself off of nightstand and onto the bed, but as I pushed my feet, the nightstand shattered into a million pieces and i fell through it. You would think everything should be fine, you would think I would have been wearing socks that fateful day. But alas I did not. At first I didn’t realize my foot was cut up badly at all. I stood up and crouched under the frame of the nightstand to get out, and when I exited I noticed that I was bleeding profusely. I proceeded to yell to my mom to come into her bedroom to witness the sight of her child with blood all over the floor and immediately she panicked and called 911. in her panic she had sat me down on the countertop. My tiny little foot bleeding as much as a 3 year old’s foot can bleed. Which, for whatever reason is a lot.

Long story short, At the hospital about 30 minutes after that whole fiasco they rushed me into a room and stitched up the cut on my foot. What did I learn from this you might ask? Don’t climb on things that can’t support your weight.

water glass, lamp, reflection” by Joelk75 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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