TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Rose Bushes

I believe that friends are rose bushes. The initial thing rose bushes are known for is thier pretty roses; however, hidden under the surface, those rose bushes have many thorns. To me friends can be nice and good for you, but they can also be bad for you. Sometimes friends can pick you up, and help you when you’re down; and sometimes friends can be the ones to put you in a terrible place. 

I have a friend that I text at least once a week. He is busy a lot, but most of the time when I need to talk to him he makes time for me. I am someone who struggles with overthinking, especially at night. There was one night when things got really bad. I needed someone to talk to, so I texted him. He was at work during this time since he works night shifts. I was putting myself down and felt that no one was truly ever there for me, but he talked me out of it and helped prove my thoughts wrong. He was texting me for about three hours trying to help me. I’m grateful for him since he helped me get out of my head, and since he was there for me, for three hours, even when he was at work. However, there are other times when I need to talk to someone and I try to text him, but he doesn’t answer me for anywhere from a couple hours to over twelve hours; which makes me feel bad because he doesn’t have time for me.

One day I had to present a powerpoint slide show, and I was feeling anxious because I don’t like presenting in front of people. Some of my friends tried to tell me it would be fine and that my presentation would be better than most of the class, but I was still anxious. Lunch was in the middle of this class. By lunch time I still hadn’t gotten to present, which ment I was still anxious about it. At this time my friends went from trying to support me to not even acknowledging me. I sat at the same lunch table as them, but they didn’t include me in any conversations or even notice me. This hurt me since nobody ever includes me in anything.

From my perspective friends are a mixture of good and bad, just like rose bushes. I can see how good and important friends are for other people, and I can see how good my relationships with friends are good and important as well. However, I also understand the bitter side of having friends. Sometimes friends like other people more and leave certain people out a lot. Sometimes friends can be really busy, and it feels like they never have time for you when they may have time for others. Sometimes people can have difficult times with their mental health and distance themselves from others while thinking everyone else is leaving them out. Friends are a mixture of good and bad.

Friends are rose bushes, this I believe…

Knockout Rose Bush 5/24/2009” by Jim, the Photographer is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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