TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Story About patience

My brothers and I including our father are all Eagle Scout. Becoming a Eagle scout not only takes hard work dedication but also Patience. By the time you are a Eagle Scout participation in the meetings begen to become less and less involving when it comes to you learning. This is simply because you are now one of the teachers. You learn many things and one being how to lead but now that you are actully helping teach other kids skill you have mastered it is very different then just learning how to teach and lead the right way. I never really looked at my self as a big leader person especially not a person that is good at teaching other skills I have mastered. Going into this new role you could say was gonna be somthing very different for me. Kids now a days are also very different and I would say it’s much harder to get there attention now then it used to be just due to all the other distractions. I know when I was that age I was the same way and wasn’t any better but I do feel as if I was a good listiner and easy to teach then kids are today.

My big role staying in the troop is to mostly help out and help teach kids new skills consideing I already know them. The task of teaching the skills wasn’t the hard part rather the getting there attention that was the hard part. It took a lot of patience from me to help teach these kids but I also feel as if that has tought me a thing or too about self control and obvisoly teaching and all around working with younger and unexperienced people. This patience I had to use with these kids translated over to many other things like my sports. I see my self getting less penaltys now that I can kind of control my selfe and have patience with many things. Now being a seinor and a captain on the lacrosse team I fell as if the patience I have built help my lead my team to victorys and keep a good additude throught every thing that happens.

In Boy Scouts there is also this sign that we have to alost like show that everyone should be quite. The sign we have is very usuful and is better way then just yelling out “Everyone be quite” or “shhh” or stuff along those lines.

One of my first kids I had to help was definitely a tough one. My role was to go over and show him a couple videos on my phone for the work he missed last meeting. This kids didn’t fully seem interested in Scouting that much compared to some kids so this was definitely gonna be a struggle. I do remember stepping up thought and saying “I have some videos for you to watch and I’ll be here if you have any questions.” I remember not getting a response but that didn’t bother me I knew going into this I was gonna need a lot of patience. By the end of the videos I talked a few more times but there wasn’t much he wanted to talk about. I will say that this story definitely helped show my patience levels and all around help me for what was to come in the future with my leadership skills and most unimportantly my patience skills. Later on I did run into more difficult kids and many who definitly tested my patience one in which didn’t believe I knew what I was talking about when it came to how our troop runs I had to remind him that I was very clear how it run and everything about this I did this in a very nice was as I am also supposed to be a good leader. All around I feel as if patience is a very hard thing to master or atleast have down very well but I do see that as if you have a good grasp on it and can control your patience very well it will make everything else around you a lot easier and better for the future and people around you.

Lulu learns patience..” by WasabiDoobie is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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