Kpurrington23 is someone who is full of faith, loves animals, and has gone through struggles that no one should have to go through. Kpurrington’s avatar consists of a butterfly that’s, red, purple, and green, with a small wing, a big wing, and a detached antenna. This avatar also has four hearts on the left-hand side, each has a different color, teal, blue, yellow, and white. As a whole kpurrington’s avatar may just look like a butterfly with hearts but each element has a deeper meaning than that.
Let’s start with the center of attention in kpurrington’s avatar, the butterfly. To start, let’s break down each element of the butterfly starting with the wings. The wings resemble two things, the good day and the bad days that kpurrington has. One wing is big and strong on the good days and the other is small and weak on the bad days. Each of the wings has a different color, one is green and represents kpurrington’s little sister’s favorite color and the other is purple which is kpurringtons mother’s favorite color. The body of the butterfly is red, this is to represent the blood of Christ and the strong faith of kpurrington. Now when we look at the antenna of the butterfly we can see that one of them is detached and the other is attached. The detached antenna represents being detached and not having a relationship with her father and the attached antenna represents the attachment and strong relationship with her mother.
I wanted to know why she picked a butterfly she said, “for me, it represents my disability.” She felt as if this represented her, “because the butterfly didn’t start out as a butterfly it evolved into a butterfly. Although it’s still the same insect it’s different.” she relates to this personally because she “use to be normal and healthy with no cares in the world” and one day she woke up and the healthy version of her was gone. Kpurrington sees herself as a butterfly that wasn’t always a butterfly because she has to change into that butterfly, “Even though I struggle with health issues now I’m still the same person I was before.” Overall kpurrington sees herself as a butterfly that has grown into much more. Even with her health issues she is still herself and had daily struggles like being tired and fatigued with some days being worse than others. Sometimes she’s just a little tired and other days she can’t even get out of bed. This butterfly to her represents all the good days and bad days with this disability and her strength to fight through it.
In a way, my symbol is similar to kpurrington’s. She has an element that involves her mother’s favorite color and they have a strong bond. In my symbol, the centerpiece is a divided heart that resembles my mom and how close we are and also how similar we are. But our symbols are also different from each other. I had a few elements that resembled my hobbies and kpurrington had elements that resembled her personal strengths and weaknesses. Both symbols highlight important parts of our lives and of ourselves.
“Blue butterfly” by plancas67 is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.