TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Crazy and Furious

How to train a dragon to roll over and play dead. Although I don’t have a dragon and can’t tell you how to actually train a dragon, I imagine it’d be fun and you’d have to have a lot of patience and treats. a cat seems very similar to a dragon, both look cute, sit around all day, and can turn mad within a split second. now a cat I have trained, I know you have to be patient because they will go from calm and cuddly, to crazy and ferocious within a split second and you barely have time to react.

I was playing in a men’s league hockey game late on a January night when I came home like usual and brought my gear downstairs to my basement to air out. when I went upstairs to go to my room to go lay on my bed, I opened my door and saw my sister and mother in my room on the floor in my room. This is completely out of the blue, no one goes into my room if I’m not there so what is going on I thought. I walked into my room to see them next to a litter box and a crate, I instantly knew what was going on. I got down on the ground to look in the ground to see if I was right, and sure enough, I was. It was a kitten, and this one was very shy and scared and didn’t like people or hands near it at all. My mother said it would take days for her to settle down and get used to us, It didn’t seem worth the time I wanted to play with and hold it right then and there, not wait days.

Eventually, everyone left my room so it was just me and the kitten alone in my room. I sat on the ground laying back and looking at her, I didn’t move or anything, I just stayed there still letting her get used to seeing me. After a while, she started walking around the crate while I was on the ground, I tried reaching my hand into pet or touch her at all but, she instantly went back to being scared. I took my hand out and after a minute of being still she go back up again, I reached in and she got scared yet again. It turned into a cycle. after a while I got bored so I turned around and started playing with the cat toys myself. The next thing I know the kitten runs out of the crate and grabs the cat toy( it was one of the toys that have a rod and a string out the end and a random toy at the end), I was startled. But after a minute I started moving the toy around and she would chase it, I kept doing it for a while. after a while, I got the idea to reach out and pet her while she was playing with the toy, I had one hand shaking the toy in place and with my other hand I started to reach out and pet her. And I did, she let me finally pet her it just took some distraction. I kept playing and petting her for a long time until at one point I thought about stopping the toy and just trying to pet her. I set the toy down and she was on it chewing it and so I reached out to pet her, and she let me for a second but after the second she ran off. I had to bring her back over with the toy, so I kept bringing her in then setting the toy down and petting her until I was able to pet her for a minute. I was at it for hours but I finally was starving and had to eat, so I threw the toy in the crate and she jumped in and I opened my door and shut it behind me real quick. I ate downstairs and then came back up after I was done, I opened the door and saw her dragging the toy around my room. I shut the door behind me and stood there watching her run around my room with the toy. Eventually, It got late and I had to go to bed so, I got in bed and she kept running around. Shockley after a while of me laying in bed the kitten jumped onto my bed, she came up and lay right between my legs. she slept the whole night between my legs and in the morning I woke up to her still there. It took me hours to get the cat to even start to walk around and let me pet her. so much trial and error. Something that people said would take days I made in a few hours or hard trial and error.

CAT” by Bahman Farzad is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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1 Comment

  • lnadeau23
    March 9, 2023 at 6:11 pm 

    I agree with you about how cats are like dragons, they can definitely be super nice and then switch to being mean in seconds. In this, I like how you never gave up on trying to get a connection with the kitten, even when your mom said it would take a few days. I relate to this from experience with my own puppy, at first, he was shy and didn’t like to be pet or loved but over time of me trying to and being patient with him, he came around and became my best friend. I wonder if others have had this happen and had to wait it out also and what they did to overcome it.

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