My partner is Kberube23 and his avatar is purple with a black stripe running through the middle and running parallel to that black stripe are 8 golden stars 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom.
Kberube23’s flag is very unique to him through the use of the purple background signifies the memories he shares with his mom and the fact “purple is her favorite color”. The black stripe through the center of the flag signifies the color of his first truck and how special that bond is between him and his truck “I like that truck more than I like most people”. The stars represent the number of people that he has let into his life that have driven the truck “they represent the number of people I have allowed to drive my truck”.
The things that grab my attention about his avatar are the use of the color between the purple for his memories and the color of his truck. His process was also very interesting because he went into such depth as to include his mother’s favorite color. And found a great reason to go along with the color. The use of stars to represent people was very smart because it compares each person to something as beautiful as a star.
My process and Kberube23’s are similar in the fact we both chose things that we care about. But where we differ is how we chose to represent the things we care about he chose to go with colors. Whereas I went more with images than just colors. And his can be interpreted in many ways where as mine is more direct.