TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Patience and Karma

Patience is a skill that some people are seasoned in and some people just do not have any patience. I am one of those people that can be catagorized for both.In the spur of the moment I am not a patient person but In the long term I am patient. I have learned over the years that learning the importance of patience will pay off in the long run.

When I was 14 I did cheerleading for a gym that had just opened up. There were many girls and a lot of them were snobby because of their backgroud of cheerleading. I made friends with this one girl and she was a year older and had some issues at home that had shaped her into who she was but I delt with it because the other girls would not even talk to anyone because they all went to the same school and had their own friendgroup. As our friendship went on she started to make side remarks to me. She would say “Lilly you’re not even that great at cheerleading, you shouldn’t be that cocky.” In my mind I was humble. I would ignore what she said because I knew she probably had her own things going on that might have been triggering her emotions. Our first competition was going on and she was talking to a boy in the stands and I stood next to her. He started to talk to me and she had gotten jealous and pulled me aside to say “I cannot believe you’d do that to me as your only friend on the team.” I brushed it off once again because I felt like that was her problem and not my own. She was so furyated at me that she went to the other girls on the teams calling me vulger names. I payed no mind to her and what she was saying. At this point our friendship was over. I was patient and waited for her karma to catch up to her.

I walked into practice on a sunny afternoon and my coaches had heard the things that she had been saying to me, they talked to her and she was put as an alternative because of her behavior. I was patient, calm and kept my composure and she got what she had deserved. It was a relief to me. All the other snobby girls weren’t so snobby anymore because they had felt so bad about what she had been saying about me. Take people for what they are worth. Do not react just wait patiently for them to have something happen to them.

Lulu learns patience..” by WasabiDoobie is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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