TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Being Patient

I have been around kids my whole life, so I figured I had a lot of patience. Then I learned that I didn’t have much as I thought. Last year I took an Early Childhood Development class, and I was expecting to have a lot of fun. Well, that was not the case, because a lot of times it was more chaotic than I ever predicted.

Going into this classroom every day was super draining. I tried going to bed sooner and not staying up late. I got new fun school and physical activities for them to try. In the end, they ended up working. I was so excited that something was finally working. I could see that I was getting more patient with the kids. Then I figured out the real problem of why I was being so short with everyone.

I felt like I was the only one putting effort into the kids. I was the only student teacher in the classroom at times. I was very frustrated at times with my fellow student teacher. From this, I have learned that I can’t be taking out my frustration with the kids because I was upset at others. Being in the classroom every day and spending time with the kids and getting to know them I gained so much patience. At the end of the year, my teacher told me that she was very happy to see my change in attitude and patience with the kids. I am thankful for the lessons in patience it has given me, and I am now confident I can have a classroom of my own.

scream and shout” by mdanys is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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