TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

No Matter How Big The Problem, Following Is A Bigger Opportunity

I believe that Duke Ellington was a smart and talented man, he is the absolute only jazz artist that I have heard of and he was also quite wise to have had a thought process filled with positivity. I am sure he experienced quite a bit of hate but as he quotes ” a problem is a chance for you to do your best.” I immediately had to agree with this statement, a problem almost always follows is a greater opportunity.

Although it took me a couple minutes and actually having to use my thinking cap I thought of one specific time a problem created a greater oppurtunity for me. I had a job at Ingersol Turf Facility last winter and I did not mind it at all. I sat in an office and watched netflix while occasionally getting equiptment for people renting our turf. The pay was not bad for the very little work I actually did. It was the best of both worlds at first. I had a job making money and I got to watch shows or do homework while on the clock. This quickly got boring for me because I always have to be doing something and to be watching 6 hours of a tv show gets boring very, very fast.

I had started seeing my boyfriend at the time and his mom was very high up there at the YMCA. I was ranting about how much my boss was bugging me and how she was not a good boss due to her scheduling skills and how she would handle situations. My boyfrineds mom said that if I ever wanted to go work for her I could. I thought she was joking because of the way she said it but after further insight on the situation I realized she was serious. Working at Ingersol was gettinig worse and worse as I would be asked to work with at most one hours notice and if I was unable to I would get one day a week for the next month.

I asked my boyfriend one day if his mom would genuinely hire me and he told me to ask her, I was too scared so he went out for a bit and then I hear his mom call my name. I go to see her and she asks me ” Do you want a job?” and I was so excited as I replied with ” Yes.” I then quite ingersol after filling out an application and doing an interview and getting the job. My boss did not take this well and she was very mean towards me and my mom over text.

I have been working for the YMCA for about 7 months now and I am so happy there, I cannot get a better job than this one. I get a free gym membership which I take advantage of and I get a $200 bonus every month for working in childcare. I also get above minimum wage and weekends off. This evidence supports the statement by Duke Ellington because I had a problem and I went out and found a solution but there was an opportunity in front of me that I was able to embrace. Therefore I believe that with a problem follows an opportunity.

15500-Businessman-In-A-Suit-Standing-Between-An-Orange-And-A-Blue-Chair-Symbolizing-Two-Different-Job-Opportunities-That-He-Must-Choose-Between-Clipart-Illustration-Image” by is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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