TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The effects of a Digital Footprint

A digital footprint is the record of your activities on the internet as a whole. It is something that in some way, shape or form can be traced back to you.You can create a positive digital footprint just by using the Internet for daily tasks. Things like schoolwork, social media and browsing the internet are all things you can do to create a positive footprint. Everything you do on the internet is tracked by either your web browser or whatever website you are using. Any account you create with an email address can be traced back to you if your email account has your name on it.

One way to create a positive digital footprint is to blog daily activities. Using websites like Blogger anybody can create their own blog to write whatever they wish. As your day goes on you could write down some important parts of your day and blog them at the end of your day. This is positive because employers could come across it when you apply for a job. “For a great example of a person who has shaped their positive digital footprint, do a search for George Couros. He is a school Principal in Alberta, Canada who has his own blog, Youtube channel, social media accounts and an online digital resume. All of these are done in a social, yet professional context.” (The Power of a Positive Digital Footprint for Students, jalger, By blogging your daily life, you come across as someone with nothing to hide and an honest person.

Another way to create a positive digital footprint is to blog about events that you have started that create a positive impact on others.”Over the last few weeks, a lot of people have been doing things to make a difference for an organization that I care about a lot. It’s called Compass House. During my December challenge, Kate Ellis and Theresa Gray each pledged to make a difference for them, and I was really grateful when they told me they were making some great donations. Mrs. VanEtten’s seventh graders also did a HUGE clothing drive for them too, which was really impressive AND inspiring.” (Twenty-Five-Days to Make a Difference, Angela, This shows people who come to your blog that you are somebody who cares about others and not self-centered. Not only does this help create a positive outlook on you but it also spreads the word of these events so more and more people will come to them and support a good cause.

Footprints” by cjsimmons is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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