TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Texting or Calling?

Cellular devices are a major part of people’s lives in the world today. These devices have many apps and functions that help people in their day-to-day activities. The apps and functions that these devices provide often help keep things simple, quick, and reliable. There are many ups and down in communication, but as you will see below calling is preferred over texting for various reasons.

Most people prefer calling over texting. Some advantages of calling over texting someone include it helps you get a quicker or even an instant response, it is more convenient, gives clearer communication than over text, calls can be made 24 hours a day, is more personal than communication such as emailing, it is eco-friendly and cost-efficient, and more. With a phone call, you can tell someone’s emotions better than you could over text, it helps communicate what texts do not. ¨With a call, words and tone help you communicate much better¨. This quote shows the importance of calling over texting because so many things can be miscommunicated during a message.

While texting is more convenient it is harder for most older people to understand some modern ¨slang¨ and understand what people are saying because of this id recommend just making a phone call. Making a phone call eliminates the hardship that texting offers. Some disadvantages of texting are that the communication is not very clear at times, a lot of mishaps occur because of this, you may not always get that instant reply, it can be addicting, it is not as personal as a call, and it can be more complicated. ¨Texting creates—and, by nature, almost encourages—poor grammar habits. It also makes communication much less formal and can even make genuine statements seem insincere¨. This quote shows how by making a phone call you can avoid poor grammar, making yourself look and seem less formal, and avoid misperception.

I do believe that as you get older you may use the apps and functions on your phone differently. I remember when I was younger than I am now and I have all these apps and games that id play on rather than social media, texting, calling, and all of that adult stuff. When I look at my grandparents and their phone usage they only really use it to call people, however when I look at my little brother he uses it for apps and games. As you get older you become more professional and you don’t care so much about games anymore. Something that shows this is ¨According to the Pew Research Center on Technology and American Life, 91 percent of adults report owning a mobile phone compared to just 78 percent of teens¨. This shows how much adult actually use their cellular devices than teens.

Day 58 – West Midlands Police – 999 Call Handlers” by West Midlands Police is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Cell phone ownership hits 91% of adults (2020) Pew Research Center. Pew Research Center. Available at: (Accessed: March 22, 2023).

Tone of voice in communication: How to use it effectively at work (2022) CustomersFirst Academy. Available at: (Accessed: March 22, 2023).


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