TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Things Change As You Grow Older

I remember right around the time I was 13 I was really taking an interest in working on cars or doing anything with motors. I loved being in the garage because it was very different from what I had ever done before and it made me realize that someone my age was doing it. And I had never been the one to do anything out of the ordinary for my age group. I was always the one that would do what everyone else was doing because I didn’t want to stand out. I was afraid that if I didn’t have the same interests as my friends they wouldn’t want to hang out with me anymore.

But I slowly found that not many people my age knew anything about it or had never tried it and when I would talk to people that were much older than me they would tell me it was pretty rare that someone my age was interested in that kind of stuff and the more and more interest I found in mechanics the more and more different I felt from everyone else my age and it made me feel like a person with a blue shirt in a room full of people wearing green..all they wanted to do was play Xbox so when I started to find an interest in working in a garage I started to not fit in with others my age. No one my age was interested in mechanics and how it made me feel like the weird one. It made me feel like I didn’t fit in with others and it made me feel frustrated because I didn’t have anyone to talk to about mechanic stuff too my hour-long conversations with friends about different video games slowly came to an end because I was no longer as interested in video games as they were and this made me feel very different from my friends and made me feel like we weren’t as close anymore because we didn’t have much in common.

I could notice that I and my friends were slowly drifting apart due to having different interests the more and more I was interested in mechanics it seemed me and my friend were having a harder time caring in a conversation because our interests were growing to be so different I would still play Xbox with them but not half as much as I used to. and this made me feel pretty sad and made me realize how different I felt from everyone else my age. It was a kind of feeling that made you seem like I was the only one in the world my age that was interested in that kind of stuff. It was around this time I started to realize I was very different from my friends and it also made me unsure of what to do because they were still my friends but we didn’t have anything in common anymore with made the friendship very difficult Sometimes s I would get home from working with my dad and they had already been on for hours and sometimes when I wasn’t playing they would play together, just the two of them on weekdays after school, weekends, and just anytime I could get in I was playing Xbox. and even then I had tried to get my friends interested in other things other than Xbox but it was not working I had tried and tried for al a long time but I had finally given up.I decided I was going to try and find new friends that were interested in mechanics with made me sad because I had liked the friends I had I remember it making me feel left out and pretty lonely because other than my dad, I didn’t have any friends that were interested in garage stuff

I remember it making me feel left out and pretty lonely because other than my dad, I didn’t have any friends that were interested in garage stuff.I had tried to get my friends interested in mechanics but they didn’t seem very interested and it made me sad sometimes because all my friends did was play Xbox. Over time I felt more and more left out and I didn’t know what to do about it. It made me feel like the one that was different, the ugly duckling so to speak.and I knew that I would have to find friends that were also into the same kind of stuff which felt impossible it made me feel very different from other boys my age.

It also made me feel like I was much older than them and the more I found interest it made me feel like I was wrong for being interested in mechanics I had tried finding new friends that were also interested in mechanics but it seemed no one my age was interested in that kind of stuff.It wasn’t just my friends that were not interested it seemed like everyone my age was that way and it made me feel very secluded from everyone they were all playing Xbox and PlayStation.but as my friend grew older i started to realize that they too were becoming interested in mechanics such as I.

They no longer wanted to play Xbox and PlayStation and instead wanted to start a new hobby which is where I sparked their interest in mechanics. Now that we are older me and my friends work with mechanics together which makes me feel better and more confident about what I do as hobbies now that my friends do it with me. But now that I have gone threw that situation I understand how hard it is when I see people taking an interest in something that know had shown interest in before. I think it takes a lot of self-respect and bravery to step away from what others are doing and do their own thing.And I feel I respect people that do that more now going threw it myself.

Xbox One Controller” by mastermaq is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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