TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

In a Lonely place

My Aunt and Uncle had gone on vacation and they wanted me to let the dogs outside, they had written down on a piece of paper with a check list of the times I had to let them outside and on the days I had to go to work which were on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. They wanted me to call next door which was my Mimi for her to let the dogs outside at the times I wouldn’t be home, but on my way back home I would still feel lonely because I knew I would be all alone again when I got back home.

They had gone on vacation during February on the 19th they had left and on the 26th they had come back. My Aunt and Uncle had gone to Florida down to my sisters house to visit her and just enjoy the warm weather while they were down there. It was very lonely being at the house for a week without seeing anyone at the house for long periods at a time. The only person I would see while they were gone was my Girlfriend for a couple of days but It just wasn’t the same. Me not being able to see the people who I call my family for such a long time made me feel pretty lonely at times, especially when my girlfriend wasn’t over and it was just me there all by myself for days at a time. I feel as though it was a good thing at the same time too because I got to build some more responsibility off of it. For example, I would make myself actual meals through the day for the morning, evening, and night. I would make myself a breakfast sandwich or breakfast burritos in the morning, the middle of the day I’d make steak or wraps, the evening i’d end up making normally pasta like spaghetti or ravioli. Me letting the dogs outside made me build time management because It gave me a time to put aside to let the dogs outside for multiple times out of the day. I had to let my 3 dogs outside at 8:00AM, 11:00AM, 4:00PM and 8:00PM right before they went to bed and i’d shut all the lights off besides the ones I needed on at the time.

When they all had come back I was happy but there was also a part of me that was kinda like well it was nice having the house all to myself for a long period of time. From this experience I learned that when the time comes for me to be on my own it wasn’t going to be that bad just because of this experience I was able to learn and do what it would be like to live on my own in my own place, If I was to ever move out in the near future it wouldn’t be the end of the world the only thing that I would have to work on a little bit more would be money management.

Empty Room – Re Vamp” by oddsock is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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