TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Text or Call

I believe we don’t need the ability to call people anymore. There’s research to show that people text just as much if not more than they call people. Texting and calling both have advantages and flaws, but texting is superior. Even though calling is good, I believe texting is helpful because if you’re busy, you can text back later, and you can look back on past conversations.

Texting is better than calling for busy people because you can answer whenever you want. If someone calls you, you have about 30 seconds to pick it up and have to be free to talk at that very moment. If you text someone you’re capable of having a conversation throughout the day. If you’re catching up with an old friend you guys can text throughout the day instead of having to set aside 30 minutes of your day or being too busy because you’re at work. For example, when I’m at work I can talk to my friends and family, I can’t call them because I’m too busy, but since I can text them throughout the day and it’s possible to have a conversation. Some people have trouble with grammar, but if you can’t write in your first language or proofread a paragraph, then it probably wasn’t important or you probably don’t need a phone; calling might be just as fruitless.

Having transcripts of your past conversations at your fingertips is very helpful. With a phone call, you would have to write stuff down without forgetting and then not lose the note, for example, if someone sends you an address, with texts you know precisely where to search and you have the conversation verbatim, you can’t do this after calling someone. If your boss sends you a picture of your schedule, you can screenshot the picture instead of writing down the next day and time you work. Being able to look back has saved me multiple times. For example, I had a job interview, and I thought I remembered what day it was on, but when looking back I realized I remembered the wrong day and would’ve missed it. If I had only called him I would’ve forgotten it, but by texting I was able to look back and realize my mistake. My only problem with texting is that there’s no tone or cadence of your voice, so the other person can’t tell if you joking or being rude; this can be fixed with emojis though; so I believe texting is still better.

In conclusion, that is why I believe texting is way better than calling. Texting and calling both have advantages and flaws, but texting is superior. It’s helpful because if you’re unavailable, you can text back later, and you have transcripts of conversations; this is impossible by calling.

Phone Booth” by geishaboy500 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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