TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Texting over Calling

Texting and calling are involved in everyone’s lives, work, home, and school, we use them as our main form of communication in our everyday lives. Although calling is sometimes nicer because it’s quicker to get your point across and is easier to read emotions, texting is the easiest form of communication for me. There are always downsides to everything, with calling you have to constantly talk to someone which involves stopping and interrupting what’s going on around you, with texting you can’t quite read the emotions of the other person, you’re constantly on your phone which can aggravate the people around you, and it takes longer to get your point across. Although with calling you can understand the emotions of the other person and hear it in their voice, with texting you can take longer to calm your own emotions and not lash out like you would with a call. It’s better to sometimes take a step back and see how you are reacting to the situation and what could be a better way of doing so.

Texting is mainly the way I talk to people, it may take a longer amount of time but it allows me to get my point across better myself and better understand the other person, when talking with friends I know that I can take time to message them back and allow myself to think about what I want to say better without lashing out or messing up the way I say it. Not everyone is good at talking over the phone, especially in my generation. We get nervous and overthink what we are going to say to the person on the other side, like ordering food or asking a question, but now we can find something we a few clicks of a button, you can find answers to questions, order anything you could think of, and find information on almost anything without having to talk to anyone. This makes things quick and easy for everyone, calling takes time, it interrupts, and overall is a hassle for most people. Texting is similar and easier for most.

Everyone has their own opinions of things, some may say that calling creates life skills and teaches you to talk to people around you which isn’t completely untrue but with generations to come talking is becoming less and less, texting is faster for most, less of a hassle, and allows us to have multiple conversations at once, it’s can act as a reminder because those messages are always there, it can allow you to go back and reread and reinterpret what the person is trying to get across to you. I believe texting over calling is overall the better option and easier for everyone.

Texting” by Joi is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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