TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Why Does Laughing Hurt So Much?

Laughing is something some people do every so often, while others do it every second. I will always remember those hand full of girls that will laugh at pretty much anything you would say in. You could simply be saying “hi, how are you?” and they will be laughing their heads off. I seem to find myself in the middle of these two different types of people. I find myself laughing here and there but nothing like those other people do.

I don’t even think that I could count on two hands how many times I have had a good belly laugh. My family is something very special to me. With us being as close as we are and having so much in common, it always calls for good times. From countless nights of staying up late and playing board games to waking up at the crack of dawn to go moose hunting, my family will always have a special place in my heart. With that being said, there have been numerous times that we have not been able to contain ourselves, this one being my favorite. It was late at night and we were playing our family’s favorite game, spoons. When I say that we are competitive, you have never seen anything like it. The game begins and everyone seems to be doing fine, side eyes here and there but nothing major. Out of nowhere my aunt snatches a spoon from the middle of the table and all breaks loose. People are getting thrown around, spoons are flying off the table and I could not contain myself but laugh and fight my life to get that spoon. The chaos calms down and everyone but my little cousin is left with a spoon. The game continues and in each round people are getting eliminated. My dad, My mom, My cousin, all coming down to me, my aunt and uncle. When I tell you that no one is more competitive than my aunt, I mean it. The round begins and all I am thinking about is getting that spoon. My uncle lunges forward to grab the spoon and it’s a face-off between me and my aunt.

Both ends of the metal spoon are being grasped by me and her. Both of us pulling as hard as we can to get that spoon. When my hands become sweaty as I am trying to pull away from the metal spoon and all I can think is I’m not losing. All of a sudden the metal spoon snaps. At first, we were in awe. we had just snapped a metal spoon. Then all of the sudden I look over at my cousin and we start dying laughing. Bang the table, stomping our feet, tears rolling down our eyes, all because we had just broken a metal spoon. Feeding off of the laughter both of us are producing keeps feeding the flame and making us laugh even more. At this point not only were we laughing but the whole family was laughing. With my dad’s big chuckle to my brother’s annoying wheezing, we could not contain ourselves. We eventually die down and now we are at the point where we can’t even breathe. Our stomachs hurt so badly that we all just need to take a breather.

It’s moments like this in life that I am really going to take to heart. These special stories that I’ll get to share with maybe my kids someday about the time we were at camp cracking up about a spoon breaking are just moments that really hits home.

spoon image: “spoon” by legopicler is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.


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