TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Christianity is interesting

I grew up In a Christian household, and most of them are incredibly strict, you constantly have to watch what you eat, you have to pray, and if you do any wrong then the parents would tell you that you have let god down. I wasn’t allowed to play video games until I was 11, I also wasn’t allowed to have dyes and had no choice but to eat all healthy types of food. If I acted crazy or energetic I was told strictly by my parents to stop. another thing is when I played piano I was told to learn how to play Christian songs. I remember my dad telling me “You should play piano because god has given you a gift and you should use it” This really changed the way I thought about piano because I then felt like I had to play the piano because god was almost forcing me to. I think that’s when I started questioning everything about religion.

But I was too scared at the time to even suggest that I was starting to have wavering beliefs in Christianity, this changed the way that I thought. I was always told that god had certain plans for every one of us and that everything happens for a reason, whether it be good or bad. But I’ve seen some of the worst sides to humanity, kids that were beaten and brought to our house for foster care. Little girls, at the age of nine, are being used for sexual pleasure by their dad and his friends. this is when I started to question religion. Why did God do this to these children, What did they do to deserve these? I thought he was supposed to be the shining ray of hope and happiness. Why would God subject them to these horrors? These were questions I was too scared to ask my parents when I was 10 years old. And this messed up the way I perceived the world, making it seem hopeless and just a struggle to stay alive. I remember the fear I felt when asking my father about if God was real, and If he was why he didn’t help more people.

My father would never hit me, but he would get upset if I even suggested that god wasn’t real, that he was just a thing that people made up to feel better about themselves and to help guide them on a path of kindness and hope. Now a day’s we just argue about whether god is real whenever the topic goes onto it. But I could never bring myself to ask him this question until I was older. Was God real? it was just a simple question, but one that held a lot of gravity in my mind. But ever since I grew up I could confidently debate with my father if the need ever arose. I was able to conquer my fear and I was actually able to Buttress my argument about why God was just made up. But this was a big part of my life, and how I perceived the world.

CCO licensed photo by lanche86 from the WordPress Photo Directory.


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