TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Text or call?

There are many times people, use their phone during the day. Some uses can be for entertainment uses or informational use, but the most common use for a phone is communication. Using a phone you can either text someone or call someone. Both texting and calling someone can have there positives and negatives. There are casses where texting is better than calling someone and vise versa. After reading this you will find which one may be more sutibale for your situation.

The first way to communicate with someone is by calling them on your phone. Calling someone is very useful especially whan it comes to needing a direct and quick answer. It is also very helpful when it comes to seeing how someone is really feeling it is hard to see or hear someone’s emotions through text unlike a call were you can hear how their voice sounds when talking and figure out their emotional state by just that. Some negatives that calling a person has is you can send them information so if you want them to check something out you can either tell them what to look up or text them. Another negative about a call is it cant last all day you cant be on the phone with someone all day or else you wont be able to do anything unlike when you text someone you will still have plenty of time to do other things as well as text them back. As shown calling someone in many casses can be better than texting them.

The second way of communicating with someone is by texting them. Just like calling someone there are positives and negatives to it. Some positives of texting someone is you can send them videos or links to websites in which they can click on to watch or visit. Another great thing about texting is if you text them to meet somewhere or anything along those lines it a version of a hard copy so if something goes wrong or they messed something up and try to blame it on you than you now have proof to show it’s not your fault. There are some negatives one being that sometimes people don’t see a text or forget to reply and then don’t end up replying for a while this can be a problem especially if you need a answer quickly. As shown texting in many casses can be a much better way of communicating with someone instead of calling them.

In conclusion texting and calling are both very great ways to use and phone to communicate with someone. Which one is better to communicate depends on the situation your in but for many situations calling someone is the best way to communicate using a phone.

After living in UK for 4 years and 0 days I decided to watch my first episode of EastEnders. To my great surprise a character called Aleks was shown cheating on his girlfriend by texting in Latvian (!!!) to someone called Marta.” by zilupe is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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