TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Texting or calling

Texting and calling are very different and there are different benefits for each of them in my opinion I prefer texting. For me, texting is easier. One of the reasons some people like to call is because typing takes a long time. Another reason is it can get frustrating with misspellings, misclicking on certain buttons, and autocorrecting this can make calling easier. People get the incorrect idea from a message from a text all the time because of auto-correct and mistyping. This can be bothersome and discouraging for certain people because some elderly people have a hard time seeing the buttons and reading the text. Elderly people having a hard time reading also most likely prefer to call over text because they can’t read the texts. Another reason people may enjoy calling over texting is so they can hear the other person’s voice. Calling someone can also be easy it’s just one button not the continuous and tedious pressing of them then reading and then replying by pressing more buttons again. Texting also has a preference because you’re not always involved in the conversation which gives you time to think and comprehend what the other person is thinking about and then give a reply and it can also be less awkward texting someone than calling them. I personally prefer texting over calling I feel as though during a phone call I always have to have something to say and at certain points, the conversation dies and it becomes awkward for both parties. Another thing with calling is there is usually always a reason for the call and once the reason is diminished the call ends or one of the people on the phone call tries to stretch out the conversation and keeps it going for no reason. Texting is always easier for me because with calling you have to think on the spot with texting you can give it some time and think over the purpose of each text and also think of a better reply than what would’ve been on the spot.

Text a Librarian Flyer – Patrons Text Questions, Librarians Type Answers” by noelieo is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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