TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Sending Mixed Signals

When people have to opportunity to call or text it truly depends on the person for which one they chose to do. Some people like to send a text rather than call because of the quick and effortless effects it has. If it is something simple like letting someone know you are on your way to meet them then a text will do more than enough to get the proper message across. Something like a serious conversation may be more effective via phone call. There are so many strings attached to each option. When using a cell phone calling is better than texting with many factors being covered.

Let’s dive into texting. When sending a text many things can go wrong, tone is completely up to the reciver and they may not know how to take it. An innocent sentence can be turned into a whole big ordeal over miscommunication. It is the most convienient way of communication when not physically with the person but there are more downfalls than meets the eye. If someone is driving a car and get a message and they feel the need to respond then that can be life threatening. Multiple studies show that texting is a huge factor in car accidents, one glance at their screen to make sure they are hitting the right keys and their life could end.

Phone calls are the most effective and least problematic. One tap of a contact and one person is on the right track to talking live and in the moment with someone they are not with. No problems with miscommunication or tone it is all heard through the call whether they are giving sad tones, happy, angry, or any other tone that could be mixed up through texting. No waiting for a reply and you get instant replys to questions of comments. There is no risk while driving because all that is needed is talking. It is genuinely the closest thing to being with the person, without really being with them. One can hear another person’s voice and what they have to say without waiting what could be hours for a response. In cases of emergencies a phone call is more proper than a text message. Hearing another voice on the line is more heartwarming and feels more personal. It’s a known fact that if given the choice to talk to someone that past away one would rather call than text just to have that personable factor.

Mixed Signals” by ZeroOne is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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