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Social Media Is Everything

Social media has many mixed reviews on if it is good or bad. Many would agree that it is good for many different things. Social media overall is one of the best things for this date and time. If broken down and thought about then social media truly is everything. Users of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and many more platforms use it for many different reasons. Some use it to post about personal life and others use it to post about food they create, things happening in the world, effects and impacts of various things.

Many people use social media to keep life updates, kind of like a digital scrapbook. They post about vacations to other countires, day trips to the beach, exciting new such as a new member of the family or another job opportunity. It is a place to confidantly put out thoughts and updates without having to repeat the same message over and over again.

Food is huge on the internet. New recipes are shared on socail media for others to see how someone may have made something or how they felt about a certain recipe. This is also a great way to put where good places to visit are and great new ideas for dinner as a family. Along with trying different foods from different cultures.One picture and a click to post and millions can see what others are making, and trying for food around the world. If there is a recipe for it, it can be found on social media.

The world is a huge place, how would someone in Europe know that diseases are seriously harming people in Africa? Social media is a great way to get world problems out and known. Not only is this amazing for anyone to know what is happening in other parts of the world, but it also helps people know what is happening across the country or even statewide. All on the tip of your fingertips and you can see what the most famous of people are doing, or what parts of the world are doing. There are always picture and video evidence of natural disasters and royal weddings along with many other things on socail media. Everything major gets posted for the entire human population to see.

Social media is a great way to meet new people and stay in touch. Everyone wonders what someone they have not spoken to or see in awhile is up to. One search of someones name and you can find their whole online world. Direct messaging is also very popular within social media apps. A big part of generation Z communicates on snapchat alone. Sending funny pictures and videos of what someone is up to and making plans or doing homework. Social media also help generations mix and get to know what is different. Many people live away from family, and there are regular phone calls or texting but seeing something a family member is up to and knowing they are having fun or maybe that they are struggling is all part of why social media is so amazing.

Automotive Social Media Marketing” by socialautomotive is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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